🕸 30. New phone, who dis 🕸

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Peter looked at his phone, he could modify so it couldn't be hacked or traced, so he could take it out on patrol and call the police instead of the traumatized victims, this would require he got a new phone for his normal people stuff, his dad was Tony Stark after all so he could definitely ask him to get him a new phone, or he could build one himself.

He decided to build one as he actually still technically had his internship in half an hour so why not? He got out of bed and went to the lab where Tony already was. "Hey Bambi, whats up?" He asked and Peter hugged him. "Don't I still have that internship?"
"Yeah technically, is it Saturday already?"
"Yep, what are you working on?"
"I'm working on some blueprints to some new Falcon wings for Sam"

"Oh awesome, is it alright if I work on building myself a new phone?"
"I can just get you one? You don't need to do everything by yourself"
"I want to use this phone for Spider-Man and stuff, so I need to build in some modifications anyway"
"Ah okay"
"But I do actually want a new phone, I have a really old model and the screen is really cracked"
"I'll get you the newest model of the Stark phone"
"Thanks dad" Peter said and hugged the billionaire.

Then he got some tech and found out his old phone, the screen was cracked and it was old, but he could tear it apart and use the parts along with some other tech to build the spider-phone. He left out the SIM-card as he needed to put that in the new phone, he could just switch them out so he had a new SIM-card in the spiderphone.

After a while of tinkering with it, he was done, it hadn't been as hard as he had anticipated and he liked the new design. He had modified the phone so whenever he called someone it would say 'Spider-Man' instead of the actual number. It was untraceable, and Karen was also programmed into it, every notification was so high pitched that only he could hear it (and maybe dogs) so he could take it with him anywhere and he didn't need to turn it on silence.

Everything had a different sound so he knew if it was someone in danger, a police radio update, a phone call or social media. The phone was black and he had made a cover that made sure the phone wouldn't break even if it was dropped from the top of a skyscraper (which would probably happen someday) the cover was red with a black spider on the back. It was also easy to tear apart and put together again so if he needed to add any other modifications, he could.

Peter then went out as Spider-Man, even if it was morning, there were still people to help.
In the couple of hours he was out, he helped an old lady over the road, stopped someone from robbing a store, someone from stealing a bike and someone from shooting a person in an alleyway.

He got home and the suit disappeared into his webshooters. "Hey dad"
"Hey Pete, did you get scanned?"
"No, but I'm not hurt, didn't even get a scratch"
"Fine, I believe you, by the way your new phone just arrived, here" Tony said handing over a package, Peter quickly opened it and took the SIM card out. He put in the SIM card from his own phone in the new one and the new one in the Spider-phone. He then noted down the important numbers (Ned, his dad, his mom and Mama Spider) and double checked they were correct.
First he texted Tony

Hey dad

Tony Stark
What's your name
I need to be sure it's you

Peter Parker-Stark
Your son

Tony Stark
Okay hey Peter
I'm guessing this is the 'Spiderphone' you talked about

Spider-Man changed Spider-Man to Peter
Peter changed Tony Stark to Dad

I just needed to have the numbers down, so you wouldn't decline it thinking it was a fake


Next on the list where his mom

Spiderman renamed Spider-Man to Peter
Spider-Man renamed Pepper Potts to Mom

Hey mom
This is Peter by the way
Got I spiderphone to have with me on patrol

Okay Pete
Ready for movie night tonight?

Theres movie night tonight!?
I thought that was yesterday!?
You were trying to make sure I'm not lying

Alright, so if you call on this phone it's while on patrol and could be important?


Peter then decided to text his Mama Spider

Hey, before you block me I'm Peter Parker-Stark, I call you Mama Nat, and we met because you stole Tony Starks phone, I called him Fe-Male as a science joke and I didn't know he was Tony Stark and that the group-chat was the Avengers until a couple of weeks later

Spider-Man renamed Spider-Man to spiderson
Spiderson renamed Natasha to Mama Spider

Mama Spider
Alright Pete, one last question tho
What happened the first time we met?

You held a gun to my head because you needed to make sure I wasn't a spy even tho I was 15
You then had a panic attack after you realized it was the 'Peter' from the group-chat and I helped your breathing get back to normal

Mama Spider
Why the new phone?

I have this phone with me on patrol so I can call you guys on it, but mostly so I can call the police to arrest the bad guys I take down without them tracing the number and finding out my identity
Rn im putting in the important numbers so you don't hang up on me if something serious happens on patrol

Mama Spider

Peter then went on to call Ned, as he would rather hear Neds reaction than see it on a text.

"Omg it's Spider-Man" Ned said with very clear sarcasm.
"Yeah, hello, nice to meet a fan" Peter said, making his voice a little deeper to play a little joke on his Guy In The Chair.
"Yeah I'm not believing you"
"But I'm the real Spider-Man, I promise"
"I actually know Spider-Man"
"Yeah, that's why I'm calling you"
"Byee, I'm hanging up"
"Wait Ned, my Guy In The Chair, I was joking, hey it's me Peter"
"Alright, really thought you were a faker there"
"I got a new phone to take with me on patrol so if I need to call the police they can't track my IP"
"Ah okay, I'll save your number as Spider-Dude, bye I got to go" Ned said and hanged up.

Peter then downloaded Instagram, just because then he had a place to upload some of the amazing pictures he sometimes took while swinging, sunsets, cities and night skies are very pretty from the top of buildings and sometimes he had some breaks where people didn't commit crime, he quickly came up with a name and username.

Username: Spid3y

Password: Spiderman12345

He needed to take a profile picture, but that could wait. He then uploaded a photo he had taken earlier on his patrol and put away his phone, this would be fun and maybe he would even gather some fans.

~1258 words

Wrong Number (Spider-Man)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin