🕸 5. He knows... 🕸

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I was in the cinema and watched Across the Spider-verse a couple of days ago and it was amazing!

Peter arrived at Stark Towers, and tried not to limp, but the stab wound still hurt. He arrived and walked in. He said hi to Gwen and had a quick chat with her. Then he went into the elevator to go to floor 91 where Tony Stark had his lab.
"Hello FRIDAY, can you please take me to Mr. Starks lab."
"Sure Peter. Boss had requested that you call him Tony and not Mr. Stark."
"I will politely decline his request and still call him Mr. Stark"

The door opened and Peter walked out, after being here a couple of times he could easily find Tonys lab. But he didn't get to walk more than a couple of steps, before he heard a sound that he unfortunately knew too well. A gun. He raised his arms, the universal sign of surrender.

"Who are you, and what are your business here?" A female voice said, that Peter quickly recognized as the Black Widow. Even if he was held at gun point by her, this was still cool.

"Uhh, I'm the personal intern of Tony Stark, I have the badge, that I could show you."
"Turn around slowly, and show me it"
Peter did as she said, and handed her the badge.

//Natashas perspective\\

The assassin had seen an unfamiliar boy enter this floor, she had to make sure that he wasn't a spy or something like that, so she had held him a gun point. He had a badge that read 'Peter Parker, personal intern, level 10'.

Wait. Hadn't Peter from the group-chat said he was a personal intern for Tony Stark. Oh no. She had just held the most adorable kid at gun point, before this he had thought she was cool and awesome, even though she had murdered people. Now he definitely didn't like her anymore.

"Uhhh, Ms. Black Widow, are you okay?" The kid asked.
"What?" Why was he asking about her well being.
"Your breathing is starting to become quicker. That's a sign you're probably about to have a panic attack... Can you try and breathe with me?" Peter said and Natasha tried to, and after a few minutes, her breathing was back to normal, and she was calm.

"Hey Peter, I'm so sorry about... well, holding you at gun point"
"That's fine, also I'm a really big fan and I think you're really cool, many people might see you as only a murderer, but I think you're so much more than that. You're one of my favorite Avengers, and meeting you was so cool. And I'm rambling now, I'm so sorry"

Nat was shocked, she had just held a gun to this adorable cinnamon rolls head, and he was rambling about how awesome she was. He was precious and she would do anything to keep him safe.
"No, it's completely fine Peter, and thank you. Also why are you not scared of me? I just held a loaded gun to your head"
"But you're cool, and have a dangerous job, you were probably just trying to keep your coworkers safe"

"You're adorable Peter, do you want to meet the other Avengers, they'll probably be thrilled to meet you"
"Uh no thank you Ms. Black Widow. Sorry but I better get going for my internship, I'm probably late now. Bye bye!"
"Bye Peter, I'll hopefully see you around"

//Peters perspective\\

Peter arrived at the lab, and put down his backpack with his new computer, that was almost finished, it just needed some finishing touches.
"Hello Mr. Stark"
"Didn't I ask FRIDAY to tell you to call me Tony?"
"Yes, she did say that, but that feels unprofessional, so I'll stick with Mr. Stark for now"

"Okay kid, so why were you late?"
"Okay, so interesting story. I got out of the elevator and Black Widow didn't recognize me, because she had never seen me here before."
"So you talked to her and told you were a fan, and that's why you were late" Tony suggested.
"Well yeah, but that was after she held me at gun point."

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