🕸 37. Finale 🕸

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It was now the end of June and that meant that it was soon summer break, and that meant it was prom.

The prom was later today and he had gotten all sort of advice from all of the avengers, some good and some not that good.

He decided to follow Pepper and Nats advice as they said almost the same thing, buy her some flowers, be polite, open the door for her etc. the main reason he followed their advice and not the others was that some of the others advice was questionable, and Nat and Pepper were girls, so they should know what they were talking about.

He did get his dad to help him tie a tie. He was now in a white shirt, and a black button-up vest and a red tie with black web-patterns on, and black pants.

Happy drove the spider to MJ's house and when he arrived, he got out of the car and rung the doorbell.

MJ's mom opened the door and greeted the boy with a smile.
"MJ! Your date is here" she yelled and MJ appeared, in a dress, and she was absolutely stunning.

This was also the first time he had seen her in a dress. The dress was a long red one with a slit in it for the legs. Her curly hair was tied behind her back and she was wearing a natural makeup look. Peter was really in love, she looked like a goddess.

"Come on loser, let's go"
"Y-you look stunning" he finally said and MJ smiled. "Thank you, you're not terrible either" she said and Peter smiled like an idiot.
The couple went out to the car and Happy drove them to the school.

The two arrived at Prom and they quickly found Ned and Flash standing by themselves as neither had managed to find a date.

"Looks like you'll have to dance" Peter laughed and the two boys looked at each other.

The music started and everyone found their spots on the dance floor. Peter held out his hand and MJ took it, the boy put his other hand around his dates waist and she put hers on his shoulder and they started dancing, in the middle Peter found Flash and Ned dancing and he let out a laugh, MJ looked the way he was and smiled at the two boys.

After a while dancing was over and the party started, but neither Peter or MJ wanted to be there, the music was deafening and it was even worse with Peters enhanced hearing, so the two walked out of there and found a spot on a bench where there was a bit of peace and quiet.

The sat there and Peter looked in his dates eyes and smiled and she smiled back. He lifted up her chin and put his hand on her cheek, he then met her lips with his and they sat there for a while before pulling apart.

Then the spider got an idea and looked up to the lamp post over them. He crawled up it and stood upside down on it, MJ shot him an unimpressed glare, then he webbed her towards him and kissed her again, this time for a longer time.

They pulled apart and Peter jumped down to the ground again.
"Oh so this is the famous upside down kiss" MJ stated impressed. "Better than I had expected"
"What do you mean famous?" He asked and MJ smiled.
"Every fan-girl of Spider-Man wants an 'upside down kiss'"

After a couple of hours spent together outside, the couple decided it was time to go home.
Peter called Happy who said he was going to be there in 10 minutes.

They went inside to find Flash and Ned to say bye, but they couldn't find them, so they just went out to the parking lot and waited for Happy.

The driver arrived and first drove MJ home and then drove the boy home to the Tower. Peter decided to then head out a Spider-Man and quick shot a 'thanks' to his Parker-luck for no disturbances while on his date so he didn't have to ditch MJ as he had ditched Liz.

// Time Skip \\

It had now been a while of Summer break and it was great, with no homework and nothing else to do, he could spend a lot of time as Spider-Man.

It was now the 9th of August and  the spider had been out as Spider-Man for many hours and it was 2 o'clock so he decided to swing home and go to bed.

He woke up the next morning to every Avenger singing 'Happy Birthday' to him. Oh yeah, August 10, it was his birthday today, he had almost forgotten it, but he was now 17 years old, which was only a year away from 18 and then he could probably become a full time Avenger.

The Avengers were all singing and it was very bad, they were all out of tune and sang unnecessarily loud. He cringed at them but really appreciated that he had this big of a family to sing to him.

After the awful concert, Pepper kissed his forehead and Tony ruffled his hair.
"Good morning Bambi, Steve have made blueberry pancakes for you and we have gotten you some presents as well.

The Avengers left and Peter quickly changed into some clothes, it was just some black jeans and a white T-shirt with a math pun on it.

'There is a fine line between a numerator and a denominator' it said and then a picture with the fraction 1/8. And under that with a bit  smaller text. 'Don't worry if you don't understand, only a fraction will'

Peter went out and sat at the end of the table, his plate surrounded by presents in all sorts of sizes and colors. Peter decided to open the presents first and then eat after.

He got a lot of different things, he got some new clothes, some new school supplies, a couple of Science books and a lot of other stuff. He ended up thanking his family for all the presents and then eating his pancakes.

He ate 10 big pancakes and also some waffles. It tuned out his family had planned a whole plan for that day, they were heading to Disney Land, they took Tonys private plane and flew all the way to Paris in France just to visit Disney Land and they all had blast, trying all sorts of roller coasters and eating a lot of ice cream, they even met Mickey Mouse, who was just as happy to be meeting them.

After a long day at Disney Land they flew back to the Tower and decided to hold a movie night.

They ended up watching Miraculous ladybug, the movie. It was a great movie, except that they were all blind, like how do you not recognize each others voice, or hair!? Like seriously?

They had the same hair as their human self, he had to wear a whole mask just to not be recognized, imagine if it was that easy.

All in all Peter had a great birthday, he loved his family and couldn't wish for anyone better.

He had a girlfriend and some great friends, if he could choose to do it all again, or go back to before both Ben and May died and have a happy life with them, he would probably do it all again as that was what made him who he was.

And to think it all started with a wrong number text...

🕸The End🕸

~1388 words

A/N: this is the end, what did you think of the story, it became a lit longer than what I had expected but it was fun writing and I apologize for any mistakes made in this story, but I'm not english and not a Marvel expert, even though I tried my best to google the things I didn't know.

I hope you enjoyed the story, I also have/am working on a Spider-Man one-shot book, please check it out if you found this story entertaining.
I love you all and I hope you have a good day <3

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