🕸 25. The reveal v2 🕸

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Peter woke up the next day and got out of bed, he changed into his school clothes which was a shirt with some math on and a pair of blue jeans. He got out of bed and went into the kitchen where Steve again was making breakfast. "Hey Pete, did you sleep well"
Peter quickly thought about that night when Steve came into his room. "Uhh, kinda, I woke up from a nightmare I think about 3 AM or something, so I opened a window to get some fresh air and then went to bed again" he replied and Steve nodded.

"Oh okay, here you go Pete" he said and gave Peter some eggs and bacon. Peter quickly ate and then left for school. He met up with Ned and MJ, and he talked to them until Flash arrived. MJ shot him death glares and he raised his arms. "Look I just want to say sorry, chill out scary girl" he said and MJ smiled? What. That's a very rare moment.

He walked over to Peter and smiled. "Hey Parker"
"Hey Flash" Peter replied and smiled, "remember our meeting later Flash, meet me here after school?"
"Sure Parker, see you later nerds" he said but the tone had changed, before it was mean, now it was just playful.

"Did he find out about you being adopted by Tony Stark or you being Spidey since he's nice?" Ned asked, just as shocked as MJ (even though she didn't show that.)
"Nope, but he apologized profusely to me when we went to his house to sort out the project, so now we're kind of cool? Not friends, just cool"
"Oh okay, weird" MJ said, but began reading again.

After school he waited for Flash by the lockers and they talked while walking to SI.
"Hey Pete, I got saved by Spider-Man yesterday"
"Oh, why? did you get mugged?" Peter asked and Flash shook his head "no, but my dad was being mean and he calmed me down from a panic attack, bought me a sandwich, and gave me 50$ to replace a plate I broke" they talked a bit more about Spider-Man, and came up with 6 questions for Tony Stark about Spider-Man.

1. Do you know his identity and why/why not
2. What is his powers and what does the suit do?
3. Will Spider-Man ever join the Avengers?
4. What would happen if he joined the Avengers?
5. Do you know when he's going to reveal his identity?
6. Is he living a normal life outside of being a vigilante?

They got inside and said hi to Gwen, they went up the elevators and met up with Tony in his office.
"Hello Mr. Stark"
"Hello Peter, is this the work partner you talked about?"
"Yes it is, now we have some questions for you about Spider-Man, and we would like to record this conversation, if that's alright?" Peter asked and Flash for once, looked shy and a bit nervous.
"Of course Peter, set up what you need and fire away with the questions" Tony said, and Peter sat up the camera, so they all were in frame.

They asked the question and got some good responses from Ironman.
1. "No, I don't know his identity because he has yet to revealed it to us, he doesn't feel comfortable sharing who he is yet which is understandable."

2. "He has enhanced senses, and quick metabolism, so he heals quicker, but also gets more hungry, he has a sixth sense and he is also sticky and can walk on walls and roofs, he can shoot webs out of his wrists but that's uncomfortable, so he uses the webshooters in his suit. The suit makes him look cool and has webshooters, and he has programmed an AI into it to make him able to locate crime faster."

3. "We have already asked him to join the Avengers, if he revealed his identity, we didn't mean to the world, just to us and some shield agents, but he declined as he didn't want anyone to know, because bad guys could potentially hack the files, and get his names, so his family/friends and others he knew would be in danger. Even though he said no to becoming an Avenger he said yes to training with us, before it was like every friday, but now it's once a month and he just swings by when he wants."

4. "He would still be allowed to go out and fight the small crime around the city on his own call, but if we got a mission he would be obliged to join and help us. So not that much would change for the citizens, but he would help us Avengers and make fighting villains easier, he would probably have to reveal his identity one day. He would probably come live with us as well"

5. "No, he probably wont unless he had a change of heart and want to join the Avengers, he wants to keep everyone he cares about safe and I really appreciate it, as I myself, always worry about Pepper and my so-"

6. Yes, once he was helping us fight Doc Ock and he slipped up and said he had school, so we figured he had a day job as a teacher, he admitted to being a substitute in science, but he had also told us that he was fired from that job and was looking for a new one. So he has a normal life even though he is very secretive about it"

"Wait let's go back to question 5, you said you have a son!?" Flash exclaimed in shock.
"Yeah, he's adopted and around the same age as you two, I never really wanted children because of Ironman, but he's really precious"
"Where does he go to school?"
"That's classified, I also don't want this to be publicly know, so please keep quiet"
"What's his name?" Flash asked and Peter sighed, he should probably tell the guy, they were doing a school project and being at Stark Towers would be nicer than being at Flash' house. He looked at his dad and nodded. Tony nodded back and Peter looked at Flash.

"Flash, it's me, Tony Stark adopted me" he said and Flash fell off his chair with an 'ouch' following soon after.
He quickly got up again and stared at the boy, then he looked at Tony for clarification. "It's true, I adopted Peter after his aunt died as I already knew him from the internship"

"WHAT!? THATS SO COOL!" Flash yelled and Peter laughed. "Please keep quiet about this Flash, this could make me a target"
"Well why tell me about it?"
"It would be easier to work here than at your house" Peter said and Flash nodded. "Yeah, I guess you're right, but I gotta go, bye!" He said and waved at the boy and his dad.

"Well that went well" Tony laughed and got up, "did you get everything you needed?"
"Yeah, otherwise I'll just go in and ask you, a lot easier now that he knows"

~1197 words

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