🕸 3. The internship 🕸

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It had been almost 4 days since Peter had taken the test, and he hadn't gotten a response yet. He couldn't help but feel disappointed, because now he was almost certain that he wasn't accepted. Then his phone buzzed and he looked to find out who was texting him.

Guy In The Chair


Guy In The Chair
What about you?

Uhh, not yet. But I'm crossing fingers🤞🏻

Guy In The Chair
Yeah, me too dude. But I'm sure you'll get accepted. I only just got the news, they're probably just sending it out and you'll have an email in no time

You're probably right.

Peter didn't think that Ned was right, he was convinced that he just wasn't smart enough. But he couldn't say that to his best mate, his Guy In The Chair. As soon as had thought that thought, another 'pling' but a bit different than from a message came from the phone. An email, Peter quickly opened it, getting his hopes up that maybe he was accepted.

Hello Mr. Parker
It is a pleasure to inform you that you have been accepted to an internship at Stark Industries. It is even a bigger pleasure to inform you that you have scored a 100% on the test, something that only Dr. Banner and Tony Stark have managed to do. Tony Stark was so impressed with your results that he has offered you to become his personal intern.
We expect you to arrive at Stark Tower, Friday at 3 pm after school.

~Sincerely Pepper Potts

Peter was in shock. The personal intern of Tony Stark himself!? That was amazing!


Guy In The Chair


Peter was so excited about it, so he decided to text the group-chat with his online friends.

New group-chat

Omg you guys, I got accepted! I'm going to be the personal intern of Tony Stark!

That's amazing Peter!

I knew you could do it!

Ms. Red
See, we told you, you were the best!

Maybe you can meet the Avengers! Especially Hawkeye, he's awesome 😎

I don't think I will, even though I would love to meet them. They're all awesome!!
Anyways I gotta go, I have homework to do.

Okay bye. Text you later

Peter quickly turned off his phone and threw it on the bed. Then he got inside his Spider-Man suit and jumped out of the window swinging away. After landing on top of a very tall building, he looked out for crimes. Fortunately for him, it was a very calm evening. Spider-Man sat on top of the building for another 10 minutes and as there was no other update on crimes, he swung home. He had decided to do the 3 assignments he had now, as he now had the little bit of free time. After a solid 4 hours work, Peter was finally done with them all. He looked at his phone to check the time; 11:27 PM. Peter got up and put the assignments back in his school backpack, and then he once again swung out in the city to fight crimes.

//Time Skip\\

Peter had a pretty rough night, after midnight a lot of people go out to mug people. The spider had fought off 6 muggings and 2 attempted robberies. He got inside quietly, and quickly changed into some pj's he has had since he was 12. He looked at his phone to check the time: 1:52 AM. Not bad, normally he got to bed around 2:30 AM, 3:30 AM if he was unlucky, but after waiting for 30 minutes to see some crime activity, he had just decided to go home and get a good night sleep for once.

The next morning, it was Friday, and Peter couldn't be more excited, he ran to school and sat down first period, algebra. He didn't concentrate and his leg was bouncing the whole time. The day was quickly over and he ran home, before Flash had the chance to catch up to him. He got home, took a shower and changed into a nicer shirt and some other pants. Then he was on his way out of the door.
"Byee May!"
"Where are you going Pete?"
"The internship, I told you about it didn't I?"
"No, you didn't, where is it?" May answered with a smile.
"STARK INDUSTRIES! I'll tell you everything when I get home! I larb you"
"Good luck Pete! Larb you too"
"Thank you, bye!" And then the boy was out of the door, and was running down to take the subway.

He arrived at Stark Tower, and was immediately taken aback by the size of it, he entered and must've looked lost because the receptionist cleared her throat and looked at him.
"Hello, do you have an appointment?"
"Uhh, yes, I'm supposed to be an intern here?"
The receptionist smiled "what's your name"
"I'm Peter... Peter Parker"
"I'm just going to look you up, to see if you're telling the truth" the receptionist said and started to type something on her computer, probably his name. The her face lit up with a smile.
"Your Tony Starks new personal intern, congrats. Just go in the elevator and say to FRIDAY, that you need to go to Tonys personal lab, and she'll take you there. Here's your badge. I'm Gwen by the way, Gwen Stacy"
Peter smiled and took the badge. Peter Parker, personal intern; level 10.
"Nice to meet you Ms Stacy"

Peter went inside the elevator and looked around for any buttons, then he remembered what Gwen had said.
"Hello? FRIDAY?"
"yes Mr. Parker?"
"Can you take me to Mr. Starks lab?"
"Sure thing Mr. Parker"
"Just Peter, please"
"Of course Peter... You have arrived"
The elevator door opened and Peter looked around to look out for what way to go, he didn't know where Tony Starks lab was.
"Uhh, Hello?"
There was silence, and then his enhanced hearing picked up on footsteps nearing.
"Hello, do you have clearance to this floor?"
Peter turned around to see the Tony Stark standing in front of him.
"Uhh, hi Mr. Stark, I'm supposed to be your personal intern?"
"Ah yes, Peter right?"
"Yes sir"
"Just call me Tony, the 'sir' is making me feel old."
"Okay Mr. Stark"

"Let me show you around this floor, you have level 10 clearance on your badge, which is the highest.
Level 1 is for tours,
2 is for business people,
3 is for cleaning staff,
4 is for low-level interns, they usually fetch coffee,
5 is for higher level interns, they help with some projects and guide tours,
Level 6 is for low-level scientists and staff, Level 7 is for higher level scientists staff.
Level 8 is for the Avengers that only visit sometimes and doesn't live here, and family of Avengers, like for example king T'Challa and Guardians of the Galaxy.
Level 9 is for Avengers that live here, and Clint because he visits so often.
Level 10 is you, me, Bruce Banner and Pepper. The only difference between level 9 and level 10 is that we have access to my lab."

While talking, Peter had been listening enthusiastically, meeting his idol and hearing him speak was the best thing ever! He was also inner fanboying and had to try really hard to keep himself for rambling about how cool this was. They had walked around the whole floor now, and arrived at the entrance to Tonys lab. They both walked in and Tony started working on some improvements to his suit while Peter just was standing there awkwardly.

"Uhh, Mr. Stark, is there anything I can help with?" Hr asked.
"Can you go fetch me a coffee? And since I don't have any bigger projects at the moment, you can just work on some project of your own, take as much material as you need." The billionaire said pointing over to a table filled with all sorts of material and tech that never got finished.
"Thank you Mr. Stark." Peter said and quickly went out to the coffee machine and got a cup of coffee, he went back and placed it on the table besides Tony.
Peter looked around and saw some a lot of stuff around. Maybe he could work on upgrading his suit? After all it was just a 'onesie' and he didn't look intimidating in it.
A new suit it is.

~1466 words

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