🕸 16. Oh no May...🕸

488 16 7

TW: Illness (cancer)

Peter had been training with the Avengers, every Friday afternoon, and it had payed off, he was much better at hand to hand combat, and took down bad guys much faster than before. It was now 4:38 PM on a Friday, and he was normally there at 5 PM. Peter got out his spider suit and changed into it, he yelled a bye to May, just in that 'rare' case that she was home and not at the hospital, he was starting to worry about her, was she okay? Working that much couldn't be healthy, but every time he had asked her about it, she had just told him not to worry and that she was okay.

Peter swung his way over to the tower, Tony had left a window open for him as he knew the spider didn't use doors like a normal person. The spider smiled to himself, he had gotten closer to the Avengers both as Peter, group-chat Peter, and Spider-Man, living the triple life do be hard.

As group-chat Peter he was treating the Avengers kind of like his friends, and calling them all uncle/aunt/mom/dad and as intern Peter he treated them all with respect, maybe sometimes too much respect. As Spider-Man he was almost disrespectful, only for fun and the Avengers knew that, he was also quick with the sarcastic and snarky comebacks. He swung inside the window and saw Tony "hey Tin-Can! How are you?" He asked and Tony smiled. "Not bad, what about you Underoos?" He said and the two started to walk towards the training room.

After 3 hours of training, Peter finally tackled Nat and got her down.
"Omg I did it!" He cheered and Nat gave him an approving nod. "Good job маленький паук" Steve came in and put a hand on his shoulder "good job son, but can we know your identity now? We've been training for a long time now"
"I'm sorry Capsicle, but I still gotta protect my family, friends and class, imagine if people knew who I was and where I was teaching? My class could be a target"
Steve sighed "I know and I understand Spidey" He said and Peter smiled, even though he knew none of then could see it.

"Thanks Capsicle" he said and heard the sound of something traveling fast through the air. His spider sense spiked and he caught an arrow coming from Hawkeye, the arrows had dull ends and would only hurt because of the movement. "Good try birdbrain, guess you just keep missing!" The spider said with a laugh and Clint groaned "one day I'll get you Spidey!" He yelled and left the training room.
"Anyway, I gotta go, theres crime I need to stop, bye!" He said before jumping out of the window swinging away.

Peter got home at around 3:26 AM so it had been a pretty rough night, luckily he could sleep an hour later than he could in school days, as school started at 8 AM and the internship at 9 AM. He quickly got into bed and fell asleep quickly. He woke up and got up, he smelled already made breakfast, was May home? He got up and threw on a science pun T-shirt. He went downstairs and met May.

"Hey May, don't you normally have a shift Saturday morning?"
"Yeah well... I have decided to take a little vacation, you said I needed a break, and I agree, I just want to ask you if you want to stay at Stark Towers in the meantime, I'll ask, but if you don't want to I'll stay home with you"
"You deserve a vacation May, I can stay at Stark Towers"
"Great Pete"
May said with a smile and took out her phone.

Tony Stark was waiting for Peter to arrive, he really did see the boy as a son and missed him. His phone plinged and he took it out to look at who had texted him.

Hey Tony, is it alright if Peter stays with you for the next week?

Tony Stark
Yeah why? Something wrong or are you just wanting a break from him?

Yeah, something is wrong, but please don't tell Peter this

Tony Stark
What's wrong May, and why tell me before telling your nephew

Peter is strong but I don't think he could bear hearing this
I have cancer
Peter has already lost his parents and his uncle, I'm his last living relative and I don't think he could bear hearing this

Tony Stark
I'm sorry, is it serious, do you need financial assistance?

Yeah, It's pretty serious and I don't even know if I'm going to make it
No, I have insurance, but please just pretend I'm at vacation

Tony Stark
Why tell me about this?

You told me some months ago that you saw Peter as a son
If anything happens to me I want you to adopt him

Tony Stark
I'll have to ask Pepper and Nat about this, but I'm sure they'll agree

Why Ms Romanoff?

Tony Stark
We all have a group-chat with Peter, but he doesn't know that it's us
Nat and I are the 'parents'

Thank you Tony I really appreciate this
Peter might be a little late to his internship

Tony Stark
Okay, best of luck to you

Tony put his phone away and asked FRIDAY to call Pepper and Natasha into his lab, after some minutes they both arrived, both immediately noticed the worried look on his face. "Are you alright honey?" Pepper asked and Tony nodded. "Yeah I am, but Peters aunt has cancer and she asked me to adopt him if anything happens to her" both women gasped and Tony continued "I want your opinions and permission" Pepper nodded "of course you can adopt him, he's precious, but is it me or Nat that's going to get the other 50% custody?"
"We can take that if it comes to it, but I'm thinking Nat as we have decided on the group chat"

Pepper nodded and then a thought struck her. "Does Pete know?" She asked and Tony shook his head. "No, he thinks she's at vacation right now, so please don't tell him anything"
"Of course not" Natasha promised and both the women left the lab.
Tony couldn't help but feel even more sorry for the kid, he had already lost so much, and now his aunt had cancer.

~1096 words

Wrong Number (Spider-Man)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن