🕸 18. I love you and always will 🕸

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TW: Death

Thor walked around the room, saying "Greetings mortals" to everyone, while Loki was just standing there, feeling a bit left out. Peter saw the look and went over to the shapeshifter. "Hello Loki"
"Oh hello young mortal" they said with a faint smile.
"I'm Peter, Tony Starks personal intern, may I ask what your pronouns are at the moment?"
Loki smiled even more "sure, at the moment I'm they/them"
"Okay cool Mx. Loki" Peter said and smiled. "I think you're really cool, can you shape-shift into anything??" He asked with excitement and Loki shape-shifted into the boy who turned even more excited. "Omg so cool, but please turn back, it's weird looking at myself" Loki laughed and turned back.

"Follow me and I'll tell you the true story about how the gods got a wall around Asgard and how Odin got his 8-legged horse" They said and Peter showed the way into his room.
"Huh, are you the spiderling?" The god of lies asked gesturing to the spiderwebs and the spidersymbol. Peter knew he couldn't straight up lie to the god of lies, so he just didn't tell the whole truth. "The room was originally decorated for Spider-man, but I got it as he said no to becoming an Avenger, I just didn't change the design because I like it" Peter explained and Loki nodded, they seemed to accept the answer.

"So what about the story about Odins 8-legged horse?" Peter asked to change the topic away from Spider-Man. Loki nodded and they got a glimpse in their eyes and started telling.
Peter listened enthusiastically as the story was very interesting. After a while he hard voices outside of the room, and Thor came bursting in.

"Ah, hello brother, and young mortal, what are you doing?" He asked with a loud voice and Peter flinched a bit, at times like this he really hated his enhanced hearing. "Something wrong young Peter?" Thor asked.
"Oh, it's not important, don't worry, I'm just not good with loud voices" he shrugged it off and Thor looked guilty. "I apologize young Peter" he said in a quieter tone and picked him up, placing him on his shoulders.

"Uhhh, Mr. Thor!? What are you doing?"
"I'm carrying you, young Peter" he said and carried Peter out to the other Avengers who laughed at the boy on top of the god.
"Uhh, Mr. Thor? Can you please put me down?" He asked and Thor put him down.
"Oh, did you not like being picked up?"
"No-no, it was pretty fun, it was just without warning"  he said with a laugh, and soon after Loki teleported beside Peter.

"Hello Avengers, I'll be stealing the precious mortal" they said and grabbed Peters arm.
"Don't hurt him!" Tony yelled.
"Don't worry my sibling couldn't hurt a child" Thor said and Loki got out a knife.
"I can! Is that a challenge?" They asked and looked at Peter who looked at the knife in fascination. "Omg that's cool, I love magic!" Loki paused and looked at the boy in front of them and made the knife disappear. "I want a different child though" and with those words Loki teleported themself and Peter into the boys room.

Over the next couple of days he got to know the gods better. The two gods overheard him calling Sam uncle and they both wanted to have family status.
"How come you call the man of falcons 'uncle' and not us?" Thor asked.
"Because all the Avengers asked to be called family, do you want that too?" He asked and both Thor and Loki nodded"
"Well, you could also be the godfathers?" Peter said as a joke and Loki giggled while Thor was just confused. "Sorry, that was a joke, something said in a non-serious way, you guys can be uncle and/or aunt" the boy said and the norse gods looked happy. Peter waved at them both and went into his room.

Dysfunctional Online Family

So you know how I told you that I now call the Avengers uncle/aunt right?

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