🕸 27. The Conversation 🕸

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Peter woke up the next morning and felt fully rested for the first time ever, he looked at the clock and saw it was 6:26 AM, which was a little earlier than he normally woke up. He took out his phone and saw that he had a lot text messages from the group-chat, especially the ones that wasn't in the room when he revealed that he knew.

'Dysfunctional Online Family'

Our Son
137 unread messages??
Let me sleep for once!
Also yes, I know you're the Avengers and have known for absolute ages
I knew after like one of my first days as an intern

Meme Sister
I knew from the start that he knew

Uncle Bird
No you didn't
You couldn't have figured it out without even meeting him

Our Son
She didn't
I told her

Uncle Kitty Cat
Why tell her of all people?

Meme Sister
Who do you think came up with your name brother>:)

Uncle Kitty Cat
I hate you

Meme Sister
I know you love me <3

Aunt/Uncle Snek
Wow, managed to almost lie to me
And I'm the goddess of lies

Our Son
I did...
Also at other times

Aunt/Uncle Snek
What? When? I'm the goddess of lies, impossible...

Our Son
Well, it wasn't exactly lying, I just didn't tell every detail and left out the most important thing, it was a yes or no question and I talked out of it

Aunt/Uncle Snek
What was the question

Our Son
Remember when you asked me if I was the spiderling??

Uncle Pirate
You're telling me that Spider-MAN is a kid!?

Our Son
I'm a teenager

Vigilante Bro
You were telling the truth!?

Our Son
Also yeah, somehow I told mom, dad and Deadpool here that I'm Spider-Man and none of them believed me

Fe-Male dad
Yeah, because you're such a cinnamon roll
Now get out of bed and let's talk about this thing

Our Son
I have school..?

Auntie Salt
I have already told the teachers you were sick

Our Son
Fine I'm getting out of bed, but now that you guys know that I know I'm going to change your names again:)

Uncle Katniss —> Uncle Clint
Mama Nat —> Mama Spider
Grandpa Steve —> Pops
Grandpa Wolfie —> Grandpa Bucky
Fe-Male Dad —> Dad
Doctor Uncle —> Uncle Bruce
Sister Red —> Wanda
Brother Allen —> Pietro
Uncle Bird —> Uncle Sam
Uncle Thunder —> Uncle Thor
Aunt/Uncle Snek —> Aunt/Uncle Loki
Uncle War —> Uncle Rhodey
Auntie Salt —> Mom
Uncle Sight —> Uncle Vision
Uncle Kitty Cat —> Uncle T'Challa
Uncle Samsung —> Uncle Quill
Meme Sister —> Shuri
Uncle Pirate —> Uncle Fury
Uncle Bug —> Uncle Scott
Our Son —> Spiderson

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