Capture the Flag

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All Characters belong to RR & VR

Percy POV

I started sleeping in Tas' room after the... incident. All the other initiates either understand or don't care. We were already at the tracks by the time the rest of the initiates get there. Next to the tracks is a black pile. I make put a cluster of long gun barrels and trigger guards.

I stand next to Tas, I see Christina hiss something through her teeth silently into Tris' ear. Next to the pile are boxes of what looks like ammunition. On the boxes is written "PAINTBALLS." Tris suddenly laughs.

"Everyone grab a gun!" Shouts Rangles.

The initiates rush toward the pile. I wait until the crowd diminishes before I walk over and grab a gun. It's kind of heavy for a normal person, but very light to me. Then I pick out a box of paintballs and place them in my pocket. I sling the gun across my back so the strap crosses my chest like Tris.

"Time estimate?" Rangles asks Tas.

Tas checked his watch. "Any minute now. How long is it going to take you to memorize the train schedule?"

"Why should I, when I have you to remind me of it?" Says Rangles shoving Tas' shoulder.

Instantly I step between the pair, also accidentally pushing Eric a little. When the train arrives on our left Tas gets swiftly on first. I step on nonchalantly, then Tas and I help everyone in. I notice Tas help Tris in, she lets go of him quickly not looking at him and goes to sit down on the other side of the car. Once everyone is in Tas speaks up.

"We'll be dividing into two teams to play capture the flag." I perk up, thank Zeus I know how to play this.

"Each team will have an even mix of members, Dauntless born initiates and transfers. One team will get off first and find a place to hide their flag. Then the second team will get off and do the same." The car sways and Tas grabs the side of the doorway for balance.

"This is a Dauntless tradition, so I suggest you take it seriously."

"What do we get if we win?" Someone shouts.

"Sounds like the kind of question someone not from Dauntless would ask," Tas says, raising an eyebrow. "You get to win, of course."

"Four and I will be your team captains," says Rangles. I roll my eyes discreetly. He looks at Tas.

"Let's divide up transfers first, shall we?"

"You go first," Tas says.

Eric shrugs. "Edward.

Tas leaned back against the door frame and nods. He scanned the group of transfers. I leaned against the wall, a smirk playing at my lips. I know exactly who he will choose. The one person who thinks they'll be chosen last. Guess brothers come after interests. Aphrodite was right. Love conquers all.

"I want the girl Stiff." A faint undercurrent of laughter fills the car.

A blush rose on Tris' cheeks. I glare my I'll kill you later glare at them all. The laughter dies off pretty quickly. I glare my Wolf Glare at Eric so he doesn't say anything with that smart mouth of his before he makes Tris or Tas angry. Who knows what will happen then. Chaos.

"Your turn." Says Tas.








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