Life As Percy

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All Characters belong to RR & VR

Four POV

I returned to the training room after dumping Peter in the infirmary, Tris did well, I was impressed. Percy certainly did a good job training her. I came back expecting to see the next fight end or see the other initiates in a fight, but when I came back I saw something that made me go livid. Eric was on top of Percy pinning him down on the ground with his knees on the back of Percy's hands.

Eric was leaning forward so all his body weight was on Percy's two hand, Percy's hands looked broken or fractured with all the weight because after all, Eric is pretty fat and heavy. Percy and Eric were in only their undergarments. Percy's legs were kicking out and going wild, his top half was struggling and wiggling desperate to get out of Eric's hold. Percy was screaming screams of pain, agony, terror, horror, and panic. His face was contorted in absolute terror, his eyes wide with tears flowing swiftly down his face, his back was arching trying to throw Eric off him.

Eric's face had a pleasured look on it, a wide grin and a gleam claiming revenge. I didn't see what was wrong until I look down noticing Eric's hands were missing and the wet spot spreading from around Percy's area. I saw Eric's disgusted face, and I realized what was going on in less than a second and I was beyond furious, I was beyond angry, I was exploding in hate for this sorry excuse of a human being.

Eric's hands were jammed into Percy's wet boxers, his forearm muscles flexing meaning that his hands were grabbing the only thing down there. He was raping Percy, my little brother, raping him. All I saw was red, I didn't know I was moving until I slammed full speed into Eric, he went flying and hit his head on the wall and slumped to the floor dazed.

Percy, finally free of his torture scrambled to his feet, lunging at me wrapping me in a hug desperate to have some familiar contact. I held him tight whispering soothing words in his ear and rubbing circles in his shaking back as he clung to life on me crying into my shirt. I looked around, the other initiates were horror-stricken at what just took place here, Tris, Will, Christina, & Al were being held back by the other initiates probably to keep it from getting worse for Percy.

"I'm going to take Percy up to my room to recover." I announced to the initiates. "I'll deal with you when I get back." I hissed at Eric's slumped form.

I turned half carrying, half dragging Percy to the door. I slammed the doors shut leaving them with the memories and not carrying. I went the opposite way of the infirmary to my room. Once we got to my room I shut and locked the door to keep unwanted people out *cough cough Eric cough cough* and keep Percy safe.

***Time Skip***

Once I got to my room I shut the door and locked it. I took him to my bathroom and set him in the bathtub. In the past few days he's become my younger brother figure. He and I are the same height, same built body, but he's has a few more muscles, but he's skinnier than me, way skinnier than me. He never eats a lot. I turned on the bath and warmed up the water. Once the bath was full enough I turned to Percy who was sitting on the ground cross legged staring at nothing in particular.

I stood him up and slid his wet blue boxers off. I made him step out of them and threw them in the dirty laundry. He turned and watched them sail through the air and land in the hamper perfectly. I picked him up and placed him in the tub. He just sat there staring at the water as it flowed, his legs in front of him. Percy looked up at me expressionless, but his eyes were unfocused like he was somewhere else.

I took a cup and poured it gently over his head, I put shampoo and conditioner and cleaned his hair. Then I took the soap and washed his upper body and legs. He watched me the whole time not saying anything, silent, empty. I held out the soap for him to wash his private parts. I looked at it for a few seconds before he reached for it and took some.

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