Choosing Ceremony

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All Characters belong to RR & VR

Beatrice POV

We took a bus to the choosing ceremony. When we got there Candor was smoking. I've never smoked and don't plan on it either. The elevator was very crowded so my father offered up our spot to a group of Amity. With no hesitation my mom, Caleb, and I followed him up the stairs. Following our example we were soon surrounded by a mass of gray fabric.

Suddenly someone bumped into me from the side unintentionally. I stumbled and almost fell down the stairs when someone else's hands shot out lightning fast grabbing my forearm and waist keeping me from going down the long way.

"Oh my gods! Im so sorry!" The Abnegation guy who bumped into me said.

"It's fine! I replied, "it's too crowded not to bump into anyone."

We fell into an awkward silence after that. I continued on trying to figure out what faction I would choose: Dauntless or Abnegation, I ruled out Erudite pretty quickly When we got to the door on the twentieth floor my father held open the door for the rest of the Abnegation who followed my family up the stairs.

All the 16 year olds of each faction were in the front. The Abnegation boy who bumped me earlier seperated from me as we lined up in alphabetical order according to last name. I was between Caleb and Danielle Pohler, and Amity girl with rosy cheeks and a yellow dress.

The responsibility to conduct the ceremony rotates from faction to faction each year. This year it was Abnegation. Marcus will give the opening address and read the names in reverse alphabetical order. Caleb will choose me before me.

In the center of the room there are 5 metal bowls so large they could hold my entire body if I curled up. Each one contains a substance that represents each faction: gray stones for Abnegation, water for Erudite, earth for Amity, lit coals for Dauntless, and glass for Candor.

When Marcus calls my name, I will walk to the middle of the room. I will not speak. He will offer me a knife. I will cut my hand and sprinkle my blood into the bowl of the faction I choose. My father kisses me on my forehead and claps Caleb on the shoulder, grinning.

"See you soon," he says. Without a trace of doubt. My mother hugs me, but before she pulls away, she turns her head and whispers in my ear, "I love you. No matter what."

I frown at her back as she walks away. She knows what I might do. She must know, or she wouldn't feel the need to say that. Caleb grabbed my hand so we could lend each other strength.

As the room came to order Marcus said the opening address speech. After he called the names. Then he called a boy from Dauntless. He walked to the center of the room and dragged the knife across his palm quickly and holds it above the bowl and his blood falls onto the glass. A mutter arises from the Dauntless section. They will see him as a traitor from now on. On visiting day his family might visit him, but probably not because he left them.

"Caleb Prior" says Marcus.

Caleb squeezes my hand one last time before moving toward the center of the room. He took the knife from Marcus and pressed it to his palm. He thrusts his hand over the Erudite bowl and his blood drips into the water. I hear outraged cries fill the air. I can barely think straight. My brother, my selfless brother, a faction transfer? My brother born for Abnegation, Erudite?

When the room goes quiet I hear my name. Half way to the bowl I'm sure I'll choose Abnegation. I'll be the child who stays. Marcus offers me the knife. I slice my palm, it stings but, I barely notice. I thrust my arm out, my blood drips onto the carpet between the Abnegation and Dauntless bowls. Suddenly I feel warmth, hope, and calm flow through me. I take a deep breath.

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