The Fence

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All characters belong to RR & VR

Tris POV

The next morning I don't hear the alarm, shuffling feet, or conversations as the other initiates get ready. I wake to Christina shaking my shoulder with one hand and tapping my cheek with the other.

"Come on," she says. "Up and at 'em."

I dreamt about Peter torturing me about being Divergent. I woke up with wet cheeks. Th clock reads eight. We're supposed to be at the tracks by eight fifteen. Christina brought me a muffin while I got ready. No sign of Percy, not that I blame him. Stupid jealous jerk Eric. The muffin Christina got me is banana flavored, with walnuts. My mother baked bread like this, I never tried it.

We climb the steps from the Pit to the glass building above it and run to the exit. We make it to the tracks just as the train arrives, it's horn blaring.

Four stands at the front of the pack, so close to the tracks that if he shifted even and inch forward, the train would take his nose with it. Percy is standing next to him gripping .fours arm to keep him from moving forward. Percy looks fine, but his eyes looked darker and somehow more shattered than before. Four steps back to let some of the others get on first.

Will hoists himself into the car with some difficulty, landing first on his stomach and then dragging his legs in behind him. Four grabs the handle on the side of the car and pulls himself in smoothly, like he doesn't have more than six feet of body to work with.

Percy doesn't bother with the handle, he just steps up swiftly into the moving car with his hands in his pockets. Wait, those aren't his clothes. He's wearing Fours clothes, that makes sense, he didn't come back to the room and grab his clothes, he borrowed from Four. Four and Percy are the same size so that works out coincidentally.

I jog next to that car. Al grabs me under each arm and lifts me easily into the car. I see Peter behind him, he looks bad, bags under his eyes, giant bruise on the side of his face, bump on the back of his head, and looked like his gut where I punched him was hurting him. Christina takes one look at him and starts snickering. I giggle, while Will chuckles.

Percy smiles softly, great back to square one. Everyone gets quiet as we move on. Four turns back to the car's opening. He holds the handles on either side, his arms stretching wide, and leans forward so his body is mostly outside the car, though his feet stay planted inside. The wind presses his shirt to his chest. I try to look past him at what we're passing-a sea of crumbling, abandoned buildings that get smaller as we go.

Every few seconds, though, my eyes shift back to Four. I don't know what I expect to see, or what I want to see, if anything. But I do it without thinking. Percy glances at me over his shoulder. When he see's my eyes he smirks at me raising his eyebrows. I blush and turn to Christina averting my eyes away from the boys.

I ask Christina,"What do you think is out there?" I nod to the doorway.

"I mean, beyond the fence."

She shrugs, "A bunch of farms, I guess."

"Yeah, but I mean... past the farms. What are we guarding the city from?"

She wiggles her fingers at me. "Monsters!" I roll my eyes.

"We didn't even have guards near the fence until five years ago," says Will.

"Don't you remember when Dauntless police used to patrol the faction-less sector?"

"Yes," I say.

"Oh right," he says. "I bet you saw them all the time."

"Why do you say that?" I ask, a little too sharply. I don't want to be associated too closely with the factionless. I feel the moisture in the air suffocate me temporarily.

Divergent Demigod ***ADOPTED***Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt