Learning the way of the Fight

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All Characters belong to RR & VR

Tris POV

After Percy left, we went to the cafeteria and hung out until Four came back to the cafeteria with Percy. Their laughing together and talking like they've known each other their whole life. Four gathers us up and leads us to a new room. It's huge, with a wood floor that is cracked and creaky and has a large circle painted in the middle. On the left wall is a green board- a chalkboard. I haven't seen one in so long.

Our names are written on the board in alphabetical order. For some reason theirs badly drawn stick figures next to Percy's name and in the corner. Percy turns red and stiffly walks up to the board and uses the bottom of his shirt to erase it before returning to the group.

He gives Four a fake glare and sticks his tongue out childishly at him before putting on an emotionless face. Four rolls his eyes. Hanging at three-foot intervals along one end of the room are faded black punching bags. One of them at the end is already on the ground looking like a beat-up old paper bag lunch box.

We line up behind them, Percy takes the one on the floor and easily lifts it up and puts it back up so its hanging. Four stands in the middle, where we can all see him.

"As I said this morning," says Four, "next you will learn how to fight. The purpose of this is to prepare you to act; to prepare your body to respond to threats and challenges-which you will need, if you intend to survive life as a Dauntless."

I can't even think of life as a Dauntless. All I can think about is making it through initiation.

"We will go over technique today, and tomorrow you will start to fight each other," says Four. "So I recommend that you pay attention. Those who don't learn fast will get hurt."

Four names a few different punches, demonstrating each one as he does, first against the air and then against the punching bag. I catch on as we practice. Like with the gun, I need a few tries to figure out how to hold myself and how to move my body to make it look like his.

The kicks are more difficult, though he only teaches the basics. The punching bag stings my hands and feet, turning my skin red, and barely moves no matter how hard I hit it. All around me is the sound of skin hitting tough fabric. I take a small break and look around.

Christina's doing about as well as me, but her punching bag is actually moving. Al's is moving but his form is sloppy. Will is doing well, but a little off on his technique. Percy is doing great, his punching bag keeps flying off the hook so Four dragged over another and hooked it next to the other.

Percy now is doing complex hits & kicks to both bags and both bags tremble with so much force the hooks holding them look about to break. Percy's face is hard and his eyes are filled with anger, guilt. He's taking his anger and guilt out in the punching bags. Poor punching bags...

Suddenly Percy manages to hit both punching bags with tremendous force sending them flying off the hooks into the far wall with a bang. Percy was just staring at the slumped bags, his hands were shaking and he slid to the floor on his knees. His hands slowly rose to his head and he gripped his hair so tight his knuckles were white. Percy was trembling like an earthquake hit him, he started to press his hands to the side of his head, I saw some tears slide down his face, but he blinked his eyes quickly.

Suddenly he let out a scream of pain, agony, guilt, saddens, and so much more. Faster than the train Percy leapt up and punched the nearest punching bag, which happened to be Peter's.

Peter let out a girlish scream as his punching bag flew across the room and hit the wall sliding down the wall next to the others. Peter turned red in embarrassment and then anger.

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