Can You Make It Into Dauntless?

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All character belong to RR & VR

Tris POV

After dinner, Four disappeared without a word to us and a nod of thanks to Percy who nodded back. Eric leads us down a series of hallways without telling us where we're going. I don't know why a Dauntless leader would be responsible for a group of initiates, but maybe it is just for tonight.

At the end of the hallway is a blue lamp, but between them it's dark, and I have to be careful not to stumble over uneven ground. Christina and Percy walk on each side of me in silence. No one told us to be quiet, but none of us speak.
Eric stops in front of a wooden door and folds his arms. We gather around him.

"For those of you who don't know, my name is Eric," he says. "I am on of five leaders of the Dauntless. We take the initiation process very seriously here, so I volunteered to oversee most of your training."

The thought makes me nauseous. The idea that a Dauntless leader will oversee our initiation is bad enough, but the fact that it's Eric makes it seem worse. Everyone else seems to think the same. Christina frowns and Percy wrinkles his nose in disgust.

"Same ground rules," he says. "You have to be in the training room by eight o'clock everyday. Training takes place every day from eight to six, with a break for lunch. You are free to do whatever you like after six. You will also get some time off between each stage of initiation."

The phrase "do whatever you like" sticks in my mind. At home, I could never do what I wanted, not even for an evening. I had to think of other people's needs first. I don't even know what I like to do.

"You are only permitted to leave the compound when accompanied by a Dauntless." Eric adds.

"Behind this door is the room you will be sleeping in for the next few weeks. You will notice that there are only twelve beds and thirteen of you. We anticipated that some of you would not make it this far. So one of you will have the pleasure of sleeping on the floor."

"I'll sleep on the floor." Percy volunteers.

"Oh look at that," Eric mused. "A Stiff being selfless. Not that that's unusual."

Eric picked at his cuticles. "No." He said. "You will fight for the beds, whoever loses will sleep on the floor, but since we start training tomorrow, you can sleep on the floor tonight Stiff."

"Anyway, in the first stage of initiation, we keep transfers and Dauntless-born initiates separate, but that doesn't mean you are evaluated separately. At the end of initiation, your rankings will be determined in comparison with the Dauntless-born initiates. And they are better than you already. So I expect-"

"What makes you say they are already better than us?" Percy growled. "I've heard Edward here," he gestured to an Erudite boy, "has been training and studying on how to fight since he was young."

"Well, Edward may be good, but the rest of you?" Eric smirked "How about you Stiff? Can you fight?"

"Well they can learn." Percy replied. "Peter looks pretty tough, Tris looks like if she knew how to she could kick your butt back to Erudite headquarters where you left your mommy." Percy's face was emotionless and hard, but with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"And for your information, I can fight."

"Doesn't look like it Stiff." Eric sneered. He took a quick look at Percy's well toned muscles and tall figure.

"I'm a Dauntless leader for a reason kid." Percy gritted his teeth and clenched his fists when Eric called him a kid.

"Only few can beat me, I'll kick your butt back to your Stiff home with your idiot of a mom and dad."

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