Now Playing: And so It Begins

Start from the beginning

Giyuu was starting to get swallowed up by confusion, "what do you mean?"

You let out a shivering breath.

"... you died in my dream..."

Giyuu had a look of realization on his face, "oh, Y/n..."

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I-I broke the sword! I just-" you couldn't stop crying, your hands were shaking and you looked like a madwoman.

The Water Pillar pulled you in a hug, "please don't let your thoughts overwhelm you... I won't die. There will be close calls in fights I get it and maybe I will die, but here's something you should always remember..." he tilts your head by your chin up to his face again.

He puts his lips to your forehead, "whatever form I may take, I will always be with you..."

You calmed down after talking a little more with Giyuu, he bought you some hot chocolate.

"But what surprised me most is how you woke up from Urokudaki-san's sleeping spell," he says, walking you to your room. You raised a brow, "really?" you asked, he nodded. "Yes."

He opened the door to your room and beckoned you to go inside and get your rest, "you must go to bed now, the Master would like to see you tomorrow at his Estate at 8 in the morning."

You went inside but turned around quickly. "What's wrong?" he asked you, you walk back outside and closed your door.

"I'd like to sleep beside you, if that's alright..." you say, shyly twiddling your fingers.

Giyuu smiled a little, "that would be fine with me, but my room's a little messy."

You shook your head, "I don't mind, as long as you're beside me."

Giyuu looked away from your eyes, he hummed as he saw you walk ahead of him to the other hall.

He held his stomach, "I must be getting hungry again... but I'm still full though..." he told himself, shrugging then caught up with you to his room.

He opened the door to reveal a neatly arranged room, you punch him by the shoulder playfully, "messy my ass," you giggled.

He felt heat rush up his cheeks as you took off your Haori that you knitted and placed it on the clothes rack, sitting on his bed. "Wow, it's soft," you giggle.

Giyuu stood there in the doorway, his hand going up to his mouth.

'What is this? Am I having a heart attack?'

He walked to his bed where you were and sat down, deep in thought. "Hm? What's the matter?" you asked.

His head snapped to you, "I-I might be sick," he told you.

You blinked, "what do you mean?"

He puts your hand on his chest. You feel the rhythm of his heart, it was abnormally fast. "Maybe you're experiencing tachycardia," you say, sitting beside him.

You put your hands up, "now I'm not exactly good at the medical field, but simple procedures were taught to us agents for emergencies." Giyuu nods as he waited for you to say something.

"How much coffee have you been drinking?" you asked him, taking out your phone and looked for your clock app. "Two cups per day," he replies.

You put two fingers on his neck where his pulse was and started your timer, "have you been drinking liquor?" you asked, he shook his head. "Only on special occasions."

You nod, "you should go check in with Shinobu in the morning, she might know more," you say, stopping your timer after a minute.

"A hundred and fifty beats per minute. I know for a fact that's not normal, a normal heart rate is over sixty beats to a hundred beats only," you say.

The Sun Meets The Horizon Demon Slayer x Spy Family Giyuu Tomioka x Fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now