Twenty Seven

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"Aonung, does it rain a lot here?" Zo asks, laying her head on his muscular chest. Her leg is between his and his arm is wrapped around hers. They are completely tangled in each other with no other feelings or notice of the surroundings.

The young couple lays on the floor of a grass clearing on one of the many islands in their reef. This is yet another place Aonung has taken her. They are covered from the rain by the huge-oldly shaped mountain.

The entire day it has been raining hard, leaving everyone to different chores and daily routines. Something that Zo loves about this place is how everything seems to change so easily when it rains.

"A lot during the season of the tulkun leaving."

Zo nods and draws the moons onto his stomach. He giggles in a breathy way and flinches from the sensitive touch. "You're ticklish A?"

"No," He laughs, shaking his head with uncomfort.

"You're kidding." Zo tickles him more, laughing along with him.

"Le! Stop!" He laughs out, wrestling her hands away. He uses her new nickname, specifically from him. His hands fly to her wrists, pushing her further back until she lands on the soft moss. Zo's hands are stuck by his hold in the middle of her waist.

"Woah Aonung." She giggles, widening her eyes with a small and sudden craving.

"You done?" He asks in a sarcastic stern tone, looking into her deep yellow eyes. Zo's eyes focus on him immediately, making the colors of her eyes grow.

"Yes. I was done a long time ago." They both smile at each other as he lets go of her hands. She lets her hands move back up to his shoulders and pushes him back down away from her. A big breath comes out of her mouth, trying to settle her nervous nerves back down.

She doesn't think she'll ever believe how much Aonung can control her feelings.

Zo crosses her legs in front of her like a diamond. "Your sister and I talked a while ago."

"Hm?" He hums, sitting up the same way across from her.

"We talked. And I really like it here."

He smiles and grabs onto her knees. "I like you here."

Zo rolls her eyes with amusement. "That was dumb." He nods in agreement.

"It was."

"Where were you yesterday?" The girl asks, grabbing onto his arms. She has never got to asking where he has been for the past couple of days.

He looks down to their arms together and closes his eyes before looking back up at his partner. For a moment there is a worried flash in his eyes, but it is so undetectable that Zo barely even question it. "Oh I was out fishing."

"And surfing with my brothers." She states, with a small tone.

He points at her with one of his silly grins. "And body surfing."

" I want to go with you sometime."


"Of course."

Aonung smiles at her and gives her a look that can show he is thinking more then what he is saying. The look immediately moves to Zo's mind. "What was that for?"

"You surprised me Le."

"How?" She asks. Nothing about going body surfing is strange to her. She wants to try everything once.

"I don't know, I just never expect what you are going to say."

"You are one of the most unpredictable people ever Aonung." She says back, surprised that he even thinks she is in the slightest spontaneous.

This is the first time in her life she's fully been spontaneous with people other then her siblings, and Spider.

He shrugs and purses his lips. "Eh, you're right."

She laughs at him as he grabs her legs and moves them to sit over his own. "I can't wait to take you then."

"Do you ever get nervous?" The girl asks him suddenly.

"Nah, the waves don't scare me."

The young girl giggles and shakes her head, making small parts of her hair fall from behind her shoulders. "Not about that."

"About what?" Aonung is taken aback by the random question filled with so many different meanings. It could be taken any way.

She shrugs. "I guess, what you do, with me, friends, activities. Us. Anything."

His smile fades into a small cocky curl. "I'm more scared of things then you think."

"What are you scared of most?" She goes on further.

Aonung huffs out, quickly. He thinks and shows his uncomfortable face bright as day.

"Im not sure. I'll have to think. What about you My Zo?"

She closes her eyes for a minute, breaking their deep eye contact. "Maybe losing my family. Living a different life. One where the humans have won and taken our home. Losing my friends. You."

She opens her eyes to Aonungs looking at her sensitively. Her thought are so real compared to his and he doesn't even understand it. How could someone like her ever want him?

"That's scary to even think about."

"I know," She laughs quietly.

"I never would have thought of those."

"What why?" It is so strange to Zo that his mind didn't go to his family or friends at least.

"Maybe they would, but there's so many little things. So many things that I avoid and make trouble with on a daily basis that could be even more terrifying."

"That makes sense. You're so caught up in the present but also ignoring it? If that makes sense." The two of them laugh and Aonung agrees

"Yes exactly."

Zo moves herself close to Aonung, feeling the desire for comfort. These deep conversations make her need a different kind of comfort.

Her dark forehead rest against his, their temperatures mixing together. Their breaths collide and mix in the close proximity. Zo'ile moves her hand the side of his neck to grow their connection.

The different shades of eyes close slowly together, trusting each other blindly. Things like this bring them back to the beginning of everything that they have created. It seems like it was yesterday, and it seems like it was at the singing of the first songs at the same time.

Their touches are immediately sensitized as they breath deeper and connect to everything without distraction from the outside world.

No other compares to the touch that they are sharing right now. Even with a non-romantic build up they are able to create a circle around them that is deeper then any conversation they've had.

Finally their lips touch, slowly and surely. They mold together with everything they can, fitting in the most satisfying.

This simple touch of two mouths raise the need and connection for each other. As the kiss deepens, they adjust their lips, fitting more together and creating a rhythm only they know. The couples breaths deepen together, in sync.

In each others minds, they are convinced nothing can amount to this great moment.

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