Twenty Two

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Once Kiri woke up, everything began to go back to normal over the next couple of weeks. Aonung and Zo are being watched again, stealing moments where ever they can, Lo'ak is back to trouble making, and Tuk is just glad to have everything back to normal. 

Kiri however, is more in a mood than before too. Everyone cant help but walk around her like she is a child about to be woken from a nap, being careful about everything with her.

Tonight is finally the festival that signifies their tulkun are coming home. "It is one of our biggest traditions." Tsireya says to Zo as they walk along the beach, helping get ready. 

"I cant wait to see the tulkun."

"I am excited for you. You can be with my sister and I if you want." 

Zo shrugs. Whatever happens when they come happens. She hopes that she can just watch, and maybe meet Aonungs. 

"It is sad that they leave you so often." Zo says, setting down a pile of huge palm leaves. 

Tsireya shrugs and nods at the same time. "It is sad. But it is their way of life. It is like our lives. Signifying the changing with the tulkun migrating seasons, but yet the route of peoples homes and families because they always come back."

Zo'ile never saw the tulkun like that. It is beautiful in the way Tsireya talks about them. You can tell how much they mean to her just by the way her eyes glisten and the way she almost unnoticeabley tilts her head.

"That is amazing."

"Like your family." Tsireya says almost in an asking tone. 

"What?" Zo asks, looking over at her as they walk back to gather more leaves. 

Tsireya laughs. "I just mean that Ive observed your family. You guys like to leave each other and go against each other sometimes, but in the most important times you stay together."

Zo laughs comparing her family to that. Tsireya is definitely right. "My father likes to say 'our family is our fortess,'" Tsireya giggles at the saying. "Kind of dumb right?" Zo asks. 

Tsireya shrugs, pretending it isnt but then laughs, giving herself away. "The thought is nice." 

"I guess." 

"Do you know where Lo'ak has been going?" Tsireya asks suddenly. She grabs Zo's arm and they pause on the beach, trying to talk in more secret. 

Zo looks at Tsireya, surprised that she is even asking this. Tsireya probably has the same guess that Zo does. "I mean, you should probably ask him." Zo suggests. 

It is their relationship, Tsireya and Lo'ak seem close in different ways then physical. Their looks to each other speak tons, and their talks run on forever about nothing in general. The company that they share is important to them. 

The confused girl nods. "I know. I know I should, it is just nerve wracking to ask. I dont know what I would say if he was doing something he wasnt supposed to."

"You mean seeing Payakan?" Zo asks. Tsireya doesnt have to be scared to talk about it with her. She nods slowly. "You dont have to say anything, or say whatever your heart is telling you. But if he is keeping secrets from you, you should do something. More so for yourself."

Tsireya nods. "Aonung is one lucky guy." She teases. 

"Tsireya!" Zo'ile yells, once again, because of the teasing that never stops from her friends and family. 

She laughs as Zo gets clearly flustered. "I am so sorry! It just came out." Tsireya musters out while laughing still. 

"Of course it did." Zo jokes back. 

"I did mean it though, you are a great girl, and a great friend." 

Zo smiles and her and moves away, her cheeks turning darker from the compliment. "Tsireya," She says thankfully. "You are too."

"Thank you Zo." 

"Eywa why are we always so serious in our conversations?" Zo asks, laughing to herself. 

"Our lives are serious." Tsireya deepens her voice, and crosses her arms, stiffening up to pretend that she is more serious. 

"Not wrong." Zo says as the pair begins to walk again. 


When the festival begins, everyone stands in a circle, that grows into ring circles around the first one. Their legs are halfway in the water, their arms linking around each other's shoulders. The large group will soon do a small dance that is a tradition leading back to the first dances. 

The two leader families are together in the first ring of the circle because they hold a high rank. The younger kids made it perfectly so that their two families meet at the two young and secret couples. 

Tonowari is across from Jake and Ronal is across from Neytiri, facing each other. Aonung tickles and makes patterns against Zo's shoulders in secret, giving her comfort and making her have butterflies. 

The Sullys are nervous to dance because it is a completely new one that they had to learn on short notice before. It is important that they get this right to show that they are adapting to the Metkayina's standards. Being in the center is plenty of pressure. 

Aonung knows this for Zo and tries to give her all of his care free advice, that she doesnt like to take most of the time. She enjoys watching his life, and how little he thinks in small actions, but cant seem to adopt the traits herself. 

The Metkayina drums begin, and their hearts begin to feel like they are pumping to the music. 

Zo'ile looks up to Aonung, and gives him a small smile. He returns the gesture with a big grin, and moving his knee to hit her thigh. 

The entire area is lit only by the glows and the small fires they have set along the beach so no one notices. 

The couple is excited for that aspect. No one is watching. Everyone is dancing in their own way. 

The group begins to move together in a dance that is known to this tribe like no other. A laugh leaves Zo's mouth when she messes up, but it is hidden by some other noises people make. 

People pray, sing, and yell. Along with a bunch of other beautiful noises that makes an amazing song. 

Aonung watches Zo with joy. She doesnt stop laughing, and he just watches, his huge smile doing enough to show his love for her. 

Her hair falls all over in the wind and her eyes are filled with joy. After the pain and stress, they are finally filled with something adequate to who she actually is and what she deserves. 

She loosens up with the dance, realizing it is traditional but everyone has their own twist. To Aonung, she is so different. She is simply the answer to everything. No one has ever compared to someone like her. The light that comes off of her is like no other. 

Zo'ile, his Zo is the brightest star in his eyes, and nothing could change that. She walks in beauty and brings the confidence she doesnt realize she has. Her eyes are life-changing, for if you meet them once, you wont forget them. 

Aonung finally looks away, and stops spacing out. Her laugh is contagious to the rest of the group and he notices the way she changed everyone else around them and made them laugh as well. 

This night is something new for the family. They have been shaded by the pain and sorrows of events constantly coming around in their life. And now there is this break on this night where they can simply be whoever, and do whatever. On this night.

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