Twenty Four

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"What is wrong?" Aonung asks, looping his arm around Zo's waist. 

She smiles, grabbing his shoulder and turning towards him. Her eyes meet his and she is just reminded again of the ideal day she has had. 

Despite the reminders of the worst and everything Eywa has said to her, Aonung is her with her in the moment. "Nothing is wrong," He smiles, and looks down at her arm that is holding close to him. "There is this place, where I am from that looks like it does here."

His face instantly lights up with excitement in the fact that she has found somewhere like home. It makes him feel warm that she has found comfort in this place. "Did you go there often?"

She nods enthusiastically with a grin. "Too often. My brothers and our friends hated it. The only thats different is the plants." He laughs and nods. 

"Make sense." Aonung grabs her hand, squeezing it lightly and guiding her towards a rock that is comfortable for them to sit on. 

"Do you have anywhere you go that is a secret?" 

Aonung nods at her and then closes his eyes with a small piece of regret. He only wishes he could take back the first moment they went and go now, even though when they went it was perfect. "Ive got the place we went that looks over the water." Zo nods, piecing it together. "I also have this little cave thing in a small bay we have around our island."

"That sounds so pretty." 

Aonung never thought about bringing her there. That was somewhere he went with his old friends. 

"I dont really go anymore." 

"We should go." Zo'ile suggests.

"I will take you sometime my Zo."



I know this was short, but I wasnt really feeling it rn 

also new chapters coming up with bigger things  


Freak || AonungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora