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After leaving Kiri and Tsireya where the clan eats food, Zo walks around looking for one specific person.

Zo'ile doesnt want anything to hurt her, so she needs to clarify with Aonung herself. All day the two of them have been off. Specifically because of his actions.

After the day before, she figured that he would be all over trying to talk to her. But he didnt barely acknowledge her when she tried talking to them while playing tag.

When she finally sees the boy, a little weight falls off of her chest. But the heaviest one is still there.

He sits on a little rock on the edge of the forest, far from the maruis. Aonung watches the water, fidgeting with his hands.

Zo approaches him quietly, watching as he thinks. She admires the way he looks. He is so focused on something other than the people around him.

Zo has noticed that that is something Aonung doesnt do often. He likes to impress people. He wants them to know he is there.

That quality is something Zo has never liked about people, but for some reason, on Aonung its hot.

"Hi." He says quietly without looking up.

"Hi Aonung," He glances up at her once and then back down. "Can I sit?"

He nods, moving to make more room for her.

As soon as she sits, they both notice the contact from their thighs. The feeling that was there from yesterday repeats despite the silence. All of the electricity is still there.

From the awkwardness, she begins to scoot away from him, just so their legs aren't touching. When she does this though, he instantly grabs her inner thigh, by her knee, keeping her near him.

She sucks in a shocked breath. She didnt think he wanted anything to do with her. She sets her leg back down, where it was and he removes his hand back into his lap.

After a couple seconds, Zo manages to gather her jumbled thoughts once again.

"I thought-" Zo cuts herself off, deciding that she doesnt want to ask him about the breathing lesson yet. "Where have you been all day?" She moves and nudges her arm against his. She laughs quietly.

"With the group and here." He states.

She nods, examining his face. "Aonung, whats wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"Youve been silent all day. I thought we were going to do something together."

"Do you think Roxto likes you?" He asks out of nowhere.

Zo moves back slightly, shocked. "No, what?"

"Nothing." Aonung feels a weight coming off of him. For the past couple of hours, his mind has been driving him insane.

He figured Roxto wouldnt like her, but for some reason he convinced himself that Roxto did.

"Im sorry Ive been distant all day." He finally looks up at her. "I didnt want to do or say anything in front of the rest of them to make them think there was something going on."

Zo smiles. She thought something was wrong. All along he was jealous and trying to protect them.

"I just figured that I would accidentally say something and I didnt think you wanted them to know."

"You could have told me." They both laugh together.

"Im sorry Zo."

She looks out to the water, thinking for a moment. Everything about them is so strange to her.

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