Twenty Six

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A couple days later, with nothing but glances and smiles between Aonung and Zo, she sits away from the fire where everyone is eating their dinner with her siblings and Tsireya.

She has no idea where Aonung is and right now, that's okay. Ever since the tulkun have been here, keeping distances from Aonung to keep up the act is easier.

"Lo'ak is so much better at body surfing though." Neteyam says, recapping on their day. Zo looks up at them with curiosity, she's never heard of body surfing.

"Aonung took us," Lo'ak says, smiling, and glancing at Zo to see if she reacts at the sound of her partners name.

Today Lo'ak seems happy. Recently that is a rare occasion if he's not coming back from being missing or with Tsireya. Lo'ak thrives in the Metkayina, he fits in here because he is good at everything. But when he is with his family, sometimes he can be overshadowed. "Bodysurfing is when you just glide through the big waves, it's so fun you guys have to go next time."

Tsireya smiles and him, and Zo notices a nudge from her leg to his. She looks away and wonders why Aonung hasn't ever told her about this activity. The time they spend together is spent messing around and going to regular spots.

"That sounds like fun." Tuk says with her huge grin that never seem to shy away.

"Yeah it does." Zo agrees, finally getting in on the conversation. Often times, she is just lost in her thoughts.

"We should go soon Zo." Tsireya says to Zo. A smile crawls across Zos face.

"That would be amazing."

Tsireya shifts, standing up a little. "Can we go for a walk?" She directs to Zo.

Zo smiles with an honored face. That was definitely random but she is glad her friend has asked her to spend time with her. Zo never realizes how much she needs time with friends until it is happening. Family can be too much sometimes.

"Of course Rey." Zo stands up with pep and says goodbye to her family.

Once far enough from the crowd, the two girls start talking and joking around. Tsireya never really realized how much the Sullys have changed her life until recently. It means a lot to her that they have done so amazing in their culture and with their home.

"If it were up to me, I would make an island for all the little gremlin kids to live on so we don't have to deal with them!" Tsireya jokes after one of the Metkayina kids came and tried to get in a water fight with the two of the young girls.

Zo laughs at her and shrugs, pulling her hair back behind her shoulder. Since coming here, she got her hair done once, after the spirit tree. A Metkayina lady did it, more in their style. Since coming here, Zo's hair has changed by becoming more poofy and frizzy, making it look more thick and making it able to put a traditional Metkayina hairdo.

"So then they can learn to survive without being assholes."

Tsireya nods and Zo, holding her stomach in her hands.

"So I just wanted to spend some time with you. I feel like I haven't seen you in a while."

Zo looks at her friend. "Yeah, I feel like I've been so busy recently. But I don't even know with what."

"You've been getting along with my brother well." She says back in a flirtatious tone.

Zo'ile rolls her eyes. "Oh Eywa, not you too?" She complains.

Tsireya giggles and shoves her arm against Zos and a joke. "I just mean he has changed a lot. So it seems."

"I told him if he wanted to be friends, he couldn't be how he was."

"I'm glad you did, someone had too."

"Sometimes I have to pull that with Lo'ak. He can kind of be oblivious to things around him." Tsireya covers her mouth and bows her head while laughing. "I don't know though, I haven't been hanging out with Aonung as much in the past couple weeks. It's just been more island things,"

Zo sits down next to where Tsireya decided to stop right where the water stops and flows back out. She moves her feet to barely touching the wet part of the water, feeling it occasionally as the calm waves come back in. "I think I am finally getting a hold of this place."

"You are!" Tsireya says proudly, looking to her friend with admirable eyes. "You have impressed me."

Zo's eyes move up to Tsireyas. Hearing that from a chiefs daughter means more then anything. "Thank you Reya."

"You and your sisters remind me of sisters I've never had."

"Reya!" Zo yells with emotion. "You are my sister." Tsireya smiles bigger then before, grabbing her knees to her chest. "Honestly, I've never had a real friend like you."

Tsireyas face suppresses, moving back in surprise. "Not possible."

Zo raises her eyebrows and nods with a for sure yes. "Back home, I stayed busy all the time, kids saw me differently. Everyone was caught up with my siblings, and had their own groups."

"You're so easy to get along with."

"I mean, here I am." Zo looks out to the dark ocean ahead, observing everything from the small beach. This talk is perfect for this amazingly calm night. Zo doesn't think she would be able to do anything like this if it weren't Tsireya.

"Were you not at home?"

She shrugs and rests her head on her arm. "At home I was just more wrapped up in my family things. There was a whole war going on and I wanted to help."

"I understand that Zo."

"I am grateful that I did get to come here and meet you and your brother."

"You mean a lot to us."

"I wish our parents knew what kind of bonds we have."

"I think they do." Tsireya says reaching for the sand beneath her legs.

"What? How do you even know?"

"I guess I think they like our relationships but don't want to stick to it because they are scared of how temporary it is."

Zo nods slowly, it makes sense to her. She never thought of it like that.

"I hope our relationships never change no matter where we are."

"Me too Zo."

guys I hope you like this!! it was kinda just a little filler chapter

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