I bloom for you💔

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He hated being in love, it either got him hurt or hurt someone else, so he found no interest in it. However, he just
couldn't let go of George. "Dream why have you gone silent? You still there?" Sapnap asked, after killing George with
his bow.

Dream nodded, forgetting Sapnap couldn't see him. "Yeah.. I'm here, just tired" he stated, Sapnap scoffing.

"It's three pm" He said, Dream shrugging, again, Sapnap not seeing it.

"Haven't gotten much sleep lately, especially with.. you know.." Sapnap hummed in understanding. Dream told Sapnap
about his disease early on, and they went to a doctor because they knew better than to ignore a guy coughing up flowers.
The doctor explained it all to him, "either he dies, his love his reciprocated, or we surgically remove it. You have to know
though, removing it surgically could be fatal, and if a success, you will loose your feelings". The woman's words had stuck
with him since that day, and he told the doctor he'd think about it. Considering George showed absolutely no feelings
for Dream, it was either death or surgery.

"With what? Are you guys keeping secrets from me?" George asked.

"No we-" Dream tried,

"Wow" George said, stretching out his word, "I can't believe you hate me so much you'd keep secrets from me"
George said, Dreams chest feeling like it was squished by bowling balls.

"George I don't hate you, it's just a personal issue" Dream said, seeing George die again in chat.

"too personal for your best friend?" He asked, Dream just going quiet. The three were quiet for a few seconds, Dream
just staring down at the desk, biting the inside of his lips. "Sapnap stop killing me!" George screeched, making Sapnap
chuckle, filling the silence as the two went back to their normal routine. Dream sat quietly, maybe they could forget
about that little moment, but he wouldn't. Dream covered his mouth, feeling another cough coming up.

"Fuck-" Dream muted his mic quickly. He pushed his way back from the electronics, and let out the most painful
assortment of coughs he's ever made, blood and petals fell down from his mouth, which he covered, falling to the floor,
sitting his knees. Tears welled up in his eyes as he coughed violently, opening his eyes to see all the petals on the floor,
caked with blood. Dream balled his hands into fists, squeezing his eyes shut, "Fucking hell I can't take this anymore!"
He screamed, tears running down his face.

His throat burned so badly, and it itched even more unbearably. His stomach hurt, and his heart was shattering into
pieces even thinking about George eventually rejecting him. Dream reached up to his desk, slowly standing with
shaking legs as he saw his screen, two Minecraft characters in front of his, Sapnaps hitting him. He slowly reached
out and grabbed his headset, placing it on his head. "Dream? Hello?" George asked, Sapnap and George asking him
if he was still there. Dream gritted his teeth, using his mouse to leave the world, turning off his pc, making him leave
the discord call.

Dream walked over to his office door, opening it, and walking to his front door. He heard hurried footsteps coming
from the stairs, and looked over to see Sapnap standing there, confused. "Where're you going? Are you okay?" He asked,
stepping forward.

"yea-" Dream covered his mouth as he coughed, Sapnap just looking at him, unsure of what to say. Dream let the
petals fall to the ground, not caring about the mess. "I can't take this anymore Sapnap, George doesn't like me back, I
don't want to die" Dream said, tears building up in his eyes. "I don't want to die Sapnap, but I'm so sick of the pain
I constantly feel-"

"Dream, I understand, but maybe if you just tell George-"

"You don't understand Sapnap!" Dream screamed, Sapnaps eyes going wide, "You don't! No one does! Not George,
not you, not even myself! All I know is that I'm sick of all this pain! I'm sick of going to sleep, praying I wake up in the
morning! I'm getting rid of this disease!" Dream shouted, before opening his front door, walking out the house and
slamming the door behind him without hearing any words from Sapnap, the boy left speechless. Dream got into
his car, running a hand through his hair as he let out a heavy sigh before starting the engine, coughing a bit as he
put the car into reverse.

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