CH-21 A Date and Apprentice

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Naruto slipped his sandals on after having had breakfast in his house. He quickly slipped out of his home and locked the door behind himself as he made his way to Kurenai's, utilizing his stealth skills to avoid being spotted by as many people as possible.

As he traveled, Naruto thought over what he had come up with for his and Kurenai's first date, a moonlight picnic at his favorite spot, on top of the Hokage monument. He felt that it would be sufficiently isolated away from the village that no one would ever notice them without either himself or Kurenai sensing them and none of the civilians could ruin the atmosphere by their hateful stares. Also, he wanted to try out the cooking skills that Yoshino had treated him to when he showed some interest in helping her cook. Naruto had thoroughly enjoyed the hands on and very direct way Yoshino taught him to cook.

Naruto had to admit that he was far more excited about asking Kurenai on a date for the first time than he was about training, probably the first time he could say he was more excited about something other than training in the past four months. Naruto looked around, discreetly making sure no one had followed him nor that he was being watched as he made his way into Kurenai's apartment complex. Blinking, Naruto looked around once more, making sure he could not sense any chakra signatures near him.

Satisfied he wasn't followed, Naruto returned his attention to where he was and walked forward, reaching Kurenai's door in short order and promptly knocking on it, knowing Kurenai always woke early to train then get ready for her day. Naruto waited patiently, almost a full minute passing before Kurenai answered the door, her normal attire wrapped around her body as she looked down at him, a smile crossing her face.

"Ohayo, Naruto-kun... what is it I can do for you today?" she chirped in an extremely happy voice.

Naruto smiled as well, happy she was happy and opened his mouth to ask her out when his words caught in his throat as he looked at her, a tense silence engulfed them as Naruto closed his mouth and opened it again, attempting to speak the words he wanted to, until, "Uh, Ohayo, Kurenai-sensei, how are you?" he finally asked.

Kurenai raised an eyebrow in surprise before answering, "I'm fine Naruto-kun, how are you?" she asked back.

"Fine, Just fine." he said as he looked down, for some reason losing the courage to ask her out so brazenly like he had done with Sakura. "Ummm." he started, looking at her with hesitancy in his eyes, "I improved alot on Jiraiya-sensei's jutsu. He was impressed." he said with a small and hesitant grin.

Kurenai's lips pressed together but she responded, "Very good Naruto-kun, now, I know you didn't come here just to give me a training report." she said tersely, making it obvious she wanted him to explain why he had come to her house so early, it wasn't exactly early for shinobi but you didn't visit near this time unless you had some business or were lovers... since no one was to know of their relationship he should have another reason.

Naruto flinched slightly, hunching into his shoulders, his usually bright and stubborn personality being replaced with a shier person in front of the person whose approval and recognition meant the most to him pressing down on him. Naruto didn't see Kurenai's eyes softening but Naruto did hear Kyuubi.

"Oh great me!" Kyuubi said from its cage, "You stare me down with no fear yet you cower in front of the woman you want to go out with because you couldn't ask her out right away, how pathetic. Perhaps your words were nothing more than bravado and you really don't want this woman as your own." he taunted. Naruto's face twisted into a snarl. "Good!" Kyuubi said as he felt Naruto's anger grow, "That's it Brat! Now, use that anger and ask her out, I won't have you be some sniveling cowardly person, even in your personal life, that reflects badly upon me." Kyuubi said as it settled itself into Naruto's mindscape.

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