CH-32 Breaks

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Naruto looked at the clock on his wall again before deciding he would leave and head to Kurenai's apartment so she wouldn't find him here. He didn't want her to be looking for him. He had spent most of the day just relaxing, enjoying being back in his own home and without any pressing needs, barring his probably annoyed girlfriend. It was the first time since the chuunin exams that he wasn't on a mission or being forced into doing something when he really just wanted to relax in his own home.

Naruto stood and made his way to his door, slipping on his sandals and then slipping out of his door while locking it, he quickly leapt to the rooftops to head to Kurenai's apartment. While he traveled, he went back over his conversation with Anko in his mind and sighed, hoping Kurenai wasn't as angry as Anko had made it sound. He also hoped the explanation he had prepared, mainly pointing her towards Jiraiya, would appease her, he really didn't want to spend the next few days without her affections. It had been almost a month since he had seen her and the newfound closeness they had before he left was something he had missed rather desperately. It was the newness of the feeling that Naruto thought intensified it.

While Naruto was lost in his thoughts, he had slipped into Kurenai's apartment complex. He blinked as he found her door standing before him. He closed his eyes, stretching his senses to extend into her apartment to see if she was home yet, but it was obvious she wasn't in there after a few seconds search. He did, however, feel her chakra signature move into the foyer of her complex. He took a deep breath as he felt her move up the stairs and turned to face her as she crested the steps with a small frown on her face. She immediately noticed him standing there but the frown on her face increased only slightly as she moved towards him. Naruto couldn't help but admire her form, something he could appreciate a bit more since he now knew exactly how tempting her body really was. He also knew exactly how she affected him now. She walked past him and her normal scent assaulted his nose. He breathed deeply again before letting it all out in a sigh as she unlocked her door.

She didn't say a word as she looked back at him and motioned for him to follow her into her apartment. Naruto gulped slightly before he stepped past her and into the lit living room he remembered. He took his sandals off and stepped further inside as Kurenai moved past him, walking towards the kitchen, "Tea?" she asked lightly. Naruto nodded at her and she disappeared into the kitchen as Naruto walked over to her couch and sank onto it.

It didn't take her long to brew the tea and then she was back in the room, bringing familiar teacups. She sat down next to him and handed him his cup before sipping her own and leaning back against the couch. Naruto was slightly worked up because of all the preparations he was going through in his head, so when Kurenai moved and put her teacup down he almost missed her question, "So, you went to get Tsunade-sama?" she asked.

Naruto nodded, "Uh, yeah. Jiraiya kinda forced me." He said with a wince.

Kurenai raised an eyebrow, "It took you and Jiraiya a month to track her down?" she asked, again lightly. Naruto was slightly surprised she didn't seem angry, though the tone of her voice was off; as if she were straining from doing something she really wanted to do. Again, Naruto nodded. "Well, she has evaded Sandaime-sama many times before. I guess that isn't much of a surprise." She commented as she sat back against her sofa again. Naruto figured now was as good a time as any.

"I'm sorry." He said, and Kurenai blinked at him. He stumbled in his words a bit before regaining his tongue, "I-I didn't mean to leave so soon but Jiraiya just showed up and then herded me out the city without so much as thirty minutes to pack and say goodbye. I shouldn't have left you so you have a right to be angry but-"Naruto was stopped with a finger to his lips, a finger that sent a pleasurable tingle throughout his whole body. He looked at Kurenai with a question in his eyes as she looked at him lovingly.

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