CH-13 Date and Realizations

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Naruto grumbled as he turned his alarm clock off. He blinked at the time and rolled back over, deciding since it was his day off, he could go back to sleep and take the day off from training. Besides, it was the first time he had actually slept well since the night before he killed those men. Kurenai's talk had done wonders and he had slept without any bad nightmares last night. As a matter of fact, he began to think of a few dreams he had that caused him to smile sleepily while remembering them.

It was when his thoughts kept him awake that he grudgingly started to awake fully and realized something, "Holy shit I have a date with Ino today!" he shouted to himself as he jumped from his bed in shock. Naruto stood there for a few moments, his face going through shock and confusion for a bit before settling on resigned, he had a date and even if he might not like the girl like that, he still was going to take her out since he had been the one to ask. With that in mind, he nodded his head and noticed something else odd about this morning, as he looked down he noticed that something was poking at his boxers. He cocked his head in confusion and his hand reached down and grasped the pole within his boxers, giving a sharp gasp of surprise as he felt his member's pulsing like the day before.

"What the hell? I haven't seen Ino-chan or Kurenai today so why the hell is this like this?" Naruto thought to himself. He glared down at his protruding member, wondering what the hell had brought about this reaction when he noticed it had grown slightly limp from when he had first touched it. He decided to go in the bathroom and simply allow this to go away like it had the other times.

So, Naruto went into his bathroom and went though his daily ritual, noticing, even if he didn't want to, how sensitive his member was while hardened but how it slowly deflated over time. He was also shivering anytime it touched or rubbed against something with some force, causing a pleasureable feeling within him. Naruto wondered about this but, again, decided it was best left alone and allowed it to go away by the time he was ready to spend the day relaxing and getting ready for his date. He decided he was going to clean his apartment and maybe go see his Jiji about what to do on a date if he had time.

(Scene Break)

Naruto sighed as he put away his cleaning materials, the cleaning of his house had taken the majority of the day. He had about 3 hours before he had to pick up Ino for his first date and he could feel a few butterflies in his stomach about the idea. He figured he should go see his Jiji about this since he didn't want to ask Kurenai for help with this, it just felt wrong to do so. He was inclined to ask Shikamaru what he knew about it but he knew Shikamaru would probably just tell him girls were troublesome and, while he had no doubt he could eventually get some information from Shikamaru, he knew it would be faster to go ask his Jiji. Besides, his Jiji had wanted him to be less of a stranger and this would be a good time for him to repair a bit of their relationship.

So, Naruto dressed in some of the civilian clothes he had purchased, a white shirt with a small Konoha symbol on the right breast with a large Uzumaki swirl on his back, both in orange. His shorts being a regular blue color along with his normal sandals. He smiled at his clean house, or at least as clean as his house could be, and proceeded out of the door, locking it behind himself as he left.

He made his way out of the red light district, seeing many of the places getting ready for the nightfall, when they did their best business. Naruto smiled and waved at a few of the women hanging around, they smiling back at the bright little man that had earned a special place among their hearts. Even the most corrupt businessmen around couldn't deny that having Naruto around changed you. They all allowed the little guy to hide in their shops when the odd mob might be formed. Though it didn't help much, it was a show of kindness they would never have given to anyone before Naruto.

Naruto knew none of this however, seeing the people here simply as kind folk who were much nicer than the general populace. He knew there was something wrong with their living conditions but he hadn't known anything better his whole life so he simply accepted it. So, he put these thoughts behind him as he moved onwards towards the Hokage's Tower.

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