CH-25 Downtime?

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Two days after the invasion the damages had been assessed all over the village and the defences of Konoha had been weakened. However, because of Naruto's stalling tactics, as pitiful as they seemed, they had prevented a large amount of collateral damage from being inflicted. As such, the real damage done to the village was where the three headed snake and Gamahiro had made their short fight. Luckily, that was in the abandoned Uchiha district which was not much of a concern as no one lived there.

Naruto's contribution to the invasion did not go unacknowledged. The majority of the civilians did not believe the claims of Naruto's clones helping people out. Alternatively, the younger generation looked at Naruto with a new light, seeing something other than the horrible prankster he had been made out to be. He still recieved glares but now some of the younger generation stared at him in confusion and, in some cases, awe. It wasn't much of a change but it was something.

The only thing on people's minds was whom would be promoted to chuunin. The main reason for the exams had been shown and the judges had seen almost every fight, however, nothing had been announced. The Raikage was still within the village with his small entourage, but all of Suna's shinobi had fled back to their villages with the injured having been returned by the Hokage once the information that Orochimaru had impersonated the Kazekage had been released.

So, it was with this mindset that had Naruto excited to be within the Hokage office after the invasion, believing he had managed to be promoted. Not that it made much difference now that Jiraiya's apprenticeship had been announced a bit more publically to the ninja corp. Jiraiya had told him the day after the invasion of the announcement he had made, and Naruto had surprised the man with a strong hug, in honor of their newly minted official relation, much like the one he had given Kurenai.

Naruto stood proudly as he looked at the Hokage, Jiraiya, Kurenai, the Raikage, and his two bodyguards, plus Yugito, whom was standing near the well endowed busty blonde. "Thank you for coming Naruto-kun." the Hokage said. Naruto nodded, "Now, I know your probably thinking this is about the chuunin promotions but I'm sorry to inform you that this has nothing to do with that." Naruto blinked in confusion, "The reason I have called you here today is that you have been requested for a mission." he said seriously, causing Naruto to tense slightly, it was almost unheard of for a genin to be requested for a specific mission.

"What mission, Hokage-Jiji?" Naruto asked, showing a bit of respect since there was a visiting Kage in the room, plus that guy who looked like the Raikage had to be some sort of jinchuuriki going by the feeling of his chakra.

Sarutobi chuckled as did the Raikage, "This brat seems to know you well Hokage-dono, I think I chose an interesting one for my escort." the Raikage said in his deep voice. Naruto turned his eyes onto the Raikage and they narrowed in suspicion as the Raikage then stopped chuckling and stared Naruto down.

The group in the room felt the tension rise as the two shinobi stared at each other. No killing or malicious intent was felt, merely a wave of questions flying between the two, flowing and ebbing quickly until Naruto nodded curtly at the Raikage, "I accept, Raikage-dono, whom else shall accompany us upon your departure?" Naruto asked, once again thanking Shika for his mini dictionary he had written for him.

The Raikage smirked, "I only wanted you but..." he said sending a glance at Kurenai and Jiraiya.

"Kurenai and Jiraiya will accompany you along with two others to the border." the Hokage interjected, causing Naruto to turn to him and the Hokage to turn to the Raikage, "Now would you please excuse us Raikage-dono, I have business with Naruto-kun." he said while standing and gesturing for him to leave the office. The Raikage, seemingly, took no offense at being dismissed while he and his bodyguards left the office with Yugito.

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