CH-16 Chuunin Exams: Battle of the Snake and Pact

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Chapter Text

Naruto groaned as he looked up from his place on the ground. His thoughts were awhirl, "This is bad! That was a very powerful Wind technique and it was cast by someone capable of hiding themselves from my bloodline. This person is definitely out of our league." Naruto thought as he locked eyes with the predator that he sensed was looking at him. His eyes widened as yellow sclera along with a slitted pupil met his gaze. Naruto froze, his body tensing as if it was a coil, his muscles bunched and ready to move at the slightest hint of movement from the giant serpent now gazing at him.

The snake's tongue slithered out, its forked end tasting the air for vibrations, heat and various other things to take stock of the prey it had within its sights. Naruto jumped to the side as the snake's mouth opened, its fangs, which were almost as large as Naruto himself, bared as it lunged directly where Naruto had been moments ago. The gigantic snake became clear to Naruto's eyes just then. It stretched from where he had been, its triangular head and extra long fangs sunk into the ground from its attempt at eating him, reaching to the edge of the clearing almost twenty feet away, disappearing into the gloom of the bushes at the clearing's end. Judging from the size of the snake, almost the width of one of the bigger trees next to the clearing, Naruto expected that this snake was much larger than should be possible. "Then again, that proctor did say that there were big animals within here." he mused as he heard the snake hiss and pull its head from the ground.

Naruto smirked, proud of himself to be able to dodge a snake's attack, but he missed the snake's tail coming around behind him and wrapping him up, as the snake turned its massive head to face him. Naruto almost swore the snake smirked before opening its mouth and engulfing its own tail in its mouth, swallowing him down its own throat.

Anyone watching from outside would see a sizeable bulge in the snakes throat as Naruto's body descended past its throat and into the belly of the giant snake. The snake seemed to be confused as its pleased expression went to a wide eyed look. The snake's mouth opened as smoke came billowing from its stomach. The snake hissed as it closed its mouth after the burst of smoke.

Naruto smirked from his perch on top of a tree branch. "Replacement is so damn useful." he thought as he looked down at the pissed snake, now thrashing its head around, its forked tongue tasting the air attempting to find him. He knew that he didn't have long before being spotted and his mind quickly went through what jutsu he knew, considering genjutsu would be nice to get away, but the snake would be able to find him easily after he did so, and he didn't want to lead that snake into the battle he was sure that his teammates were embroiled in.

Naruto's senses alerted him to his danger moments before the snake's tail smashed into the tree branch he was standing on and he began his fall to the ground, right into the waiting snake's striking range. Naruto's eyes narrowed and he began to jump from tree branch splinter to tree branch splinter, reaching the trunk of another tree quickly, he began running up it. Sensing the snake's frustration as it slithered towards the tree he was running up, Naruto turned around, his hands going to his kunai pouch and pulling five shuriken per each hand. He let loose the shuriken with a flick of his hands, each of them on a direct course for the snake's body by the speed the snake slithered across the ground.

Naruto went through a few handseals before bringing his hand up in a circle in front of his mouth and took a deep breath before speaking while blowing out, "Futon: Daitoppa.(1)" He mentally smirked as he saw his shuriken's speed increase from the chakra empowered wind now carrying them hurriedly towards the snake. The snake never tried to dodge as the shuriken planted themselves, all ten of them on various parts of its head, slashing through its scales with their sharp edges while leaving it bloodied and a shredded mess to Naruto's eyes.

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