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Naruto eyes shone with a bright fire as he looked at the history book sitting in front of him on the table in his apartment. He couldn't wait to read about his family. He closed his eyes as he thought back to the tears he had shed after Shikamaru had left. He had wanted to know about his parents for so long that he had cried when he finally found a link to them. An actual point that showed that his name was not just something given to him but that it meant something. This was a dream come true.

His eyes watered again as he thought of opening this book after his almost mad dash home from the training field. He had decided to learn about his family first and he would read the training manual next, followed by the genjutsu book. Surprisingly, he had come up with a plan for which books to read as opposed to simply grabbing a book and reading it whenever he felt like it. He thought that if he was going to train by himself, he should set a pace for himself as he had seen ninja do when he had come across them at their training grounds and like what Kakashi would do during team exercises.

So, here Naruto sat, almost bouncing in his seat from the excitement of what he was about to learn. He smiled brightly and opened the book again. Throwing his carefully laid plan of methodically flipping each page of the book slowly to gain a glimpse of what was inside away, Naruto almost immedaitely began to frantically search each page as he flipped through them as fast as he possibly could to find any page with the name Uzumaki on it.

"Senju clan fights Uchiha clan Nope!" Naruto thought to himself as he saw a picture of the first Hokage along with Madara Uchiha. "Battle at the Valley of the End. Interesting... didn't know the Kyuubi was used but its so boring!" Despite his curiousity for information on the Kyuubi, his ancestry took precedence and that particular passage of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama fighting was not interesting enough to distract him from his goal. "Ambush on Senju Tobirama by Ginkaku and Kinkaku. Sacred items? Bah!" he thought. "Oh! The old man sure beat those guys good in two different wars!" Naruto smiled as he thought of how kickass his Jiji was, even the normal thoughts of betrayal that followed his Jiji were absent as he smiled happily.

"Yondaime-sama..." Naruto's thoughts ground to a halt as he beheld the back of his idol atop a red skinned Toad. He could see the Kyuubi thrashing around away from the point of view of the picture. He frowned as he ran his hand over the picture, "Why me?" he questioned, a question that had plagued him since he discovered his burden. He sat there for a few moments, almost as if expecting an answer to come jumping out from the page. He shook his head and continued flipping the pages rapidly.

Naruto frowned a few minutes later when he was reaching the end of the book. He hadn't seen a single mention of Uzumaki within the text! Shikamaru couldn't have been lieing could he? Naruto shook his head and started to reach the last few pages within the book. His eyes narrowed and his searching increased until he pulled on one of the last pages and his eyes suddenly honed in on his family name. "Uzumaki... 473-500" he thought to himself as he read the short sentence. "What the hell does that mean!" he shouted to himself.

Naruto was frustrated. Understandably so, as he was so close to an answer he sought for most of his life. So, when he found the 'passage' that Shikamaru had talked about, he did not expect it to simply be a set of numbers. He growled to himself and let his mind wander through a few pranks he could set up on Shikamaru when a thought crossed his mind, "Page numbers?" he questioned as he looked down at the page this 'passage' was on. He sweatdropped when seeing that he was on the eight hundredth page. "So, pages 473-500 contain my name?" he questioned again before turning the pages and, just when he stopped on 473, there it was in small print, "Village of Uzushiogakure and its relation to Konoha." Naruto's excitement shot back up as he began to read the passage.

Uzushiogakure was established shortly after all of the major countries had their own Hidden Villages. However, it never amounted to such a size that it could claim it was as strong as any of its predecessors. Despite this fact, it was a formidable village all on its own, almost capable of matching any of the Five Major countries in a war. The reason for this could come from almost any of their jounin level ninja that seemed to be able to use some form of jutsu as yet unrevealed to the world. Even its allies were never informed of this jutsu's mechanics.

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