CH-24 Chuunin Exams and Invasions.

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Up in the Kage box as the team battle was beginning the kages all sat forward, watching the coming fight with anticipation.

"The concept of a team battle in order to test their ability to adapt to their opponents and comrades was definitely an idea worthy of your name, Sandaime-dono." the Raikage said from his seat, his two bodyguards' eyes widened slightly at how respectful their leader was. "I am curious as to how your genin will react to having such a hostile person on his side." he admitted as he looked at Yugito.

The Sandaime smirked slightly, "I believe you will be pleasantly surprised how well Naruto-kun adapts to his surroundings." he admitted to his fellow Kage as the match began.

"This match seems very one-sided, Uchiha-kun and Gaara-kun on one side. On the other, an opponent who specializes in Genjutsu but has a limited arsenal otherwise, and someone who seems to be a taijutsu specialist without the speed needed to break Gaara-kun's sand nor to match Uchiha-kun's own." the Kazekage said, mirth barely hidden in his voice as his eyes gleamed while he watched Naruto being pummeled by Sasuke and Gaara's attacks.

The Raikage and Hojage frowned, "It is odd how they both focus on Naruto-kun. He should be the one they are least worried about." the Hokage muttered to himself. Jiraiya chuckled and the Raikage nodded.

"Ah, but both of those two see Naruto as someone they must defeat, despite their limited dealings they see Naruto as the bigger threat, that will lead to their defeat." Jiraiya commented as Yugito disappeared and Naruto started to move faster.

"Well, that was unexpected." the Raikage noted as Naruto's speed took a noticeable increase and the Kages could sense the chakra being used by him to keep ahead of his opponents, "But ultimately pointless." he commented. The Hokage nodded as well.

The Kazekage smirked as Sasuke caught Naruto, "Seems this will be the end. Naruto-kun is quite skilled but he has taken enough damage to take out most genin." he said. The Hokage shook his head as did Jiraiya but before they could comment, Naruto broke away from Sasuke with Gaara's sand. The Kages watched in silence as Naruto's clones spread out and began to dispel from Sasuke's and Gaara's techniques.

"It would seem that Naruto and Yugito actually had a plan." Jiraiya commented as his eyes narrowed on the arena. Most of the congregation turned an eye on him, curious what he meant, "Look, its starting." Jiraiya said as he pointed at Naruto turning and blasting Sasuke away from him, Yugito quickly appearing on Naruto's call and dealing a devastating blow to Sasuke.

The Kages were slightly surprised at the well thought out plan the two had come up with, apparently during the battle, since Sasuke's speed had been unknown of before the start. The Raikage barked out a laugh as Sasuke started to whimper from Naruto's Genjutsu, "What did you say about this fight being one-sided?" the Raikage taunted, "They forgot about my Yugito, that was their downfall." he boasted.

"That ain't cool Bro, blade did his part too yo." Bee rapped from his spot. The Hokage and Jiraiya nodded and the Raikage cast a glare at his brother.

"Stop that infernal rapping, Bee." he yelled before looking back at the slightly panting Naruto, blood running from the multiple scratches he had on his body, "That Gaki did his part, I just pointed out their main flaw." he said as he watched Yugito begin to go through handseals and Gaara attack only Naruto again. "And it seems your genin don't learn his lesson Kazekage." he said as he watched Naruto continue to dodge and keep Gaara's attention. The Kazekage didn't even deign to answer the Raikage with any motion as he and the rest of the crowd all gasped watching a spear made of lightning pierce into Gaara's stomach. Even the Kages sat forward, wondering if this would be the end of the battle and the Chuunin Exams.

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