CH-9 Wave Mission: Genjutsu Problem solved

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Naruto and Sasuke deposited their exhuasted sensei onto the futon that had been laid out in a room at Tazuna's home. The team had managed to get to their client's house without any more incidents. Naruto had easily relinquished control of the team to Sasuke, who was giving the orders while they walked. Sakura was set to guard Tazuna as the two boys carried their sensei.

It had taken close to twenty more minutes before the group had reached the house and been let in by the bridge builder's daughter, a pretty black haired woman named Tsunami. She wore a black dress that covered her shoulders and went down to her knees. Over her chest and stomach was a white shirt on top of the dress. Her hair fell straight down her back with two bangs framing her face and black eyes.

The team sighed as they finally began to relax from their journey. Kakashi, however, was deep in thought even as he laid still, resting. "I feel like I'm missing something." he thought to himself. He pondered this for a few minutes before he felt fatigue creep upon him. He decided to sleep and he could continue pondering the next day. Kakashi's lone eye closed and he fell into a deep sleep.

Sasuke looked over as he saw Kakashi fall asleep. He looked up and said, "We need to set up a guard shift." Sakura and Naruto nodded.

"I will take the first shift." Naruto said as he stood and went to walk outside.

"Wait, You fought the most Naruto, you should rest." Sakura said as Sasuke seemed to brood a bit at the fact it was true.

Naruto turned around, his eyebrow cocked in a bit of a question as she was concerned for him, "I have the most stamina within this group. It makes sense to allow you to rest first. If we are attacked I am the best one to be sleepy while fighting." Naruto said.

Sakura opened her mouth to refute his claim but found she couldn't. He was right and Sasuke grunted in affirmation, "Come get one of us in 4 hours Naruto." Sasuke said as he turned around, Naruto nodded and headed outside. His team took spots on the floor as they attempted to sleep with the other two futons that had been brought in by Tsunami.

(Scene Break)

Naruto walked out of the house and looked around before closing his eyes and began sensing for chakra signatures. He instantly located Sasuke and Sakura inside, his weakened sensei's chakra pool, and swept past them to feel for any others in range. After a few moments of not sensing anyone else in range, he sighed in relief and made a single handsign, creating up to ten shadow clones. "You know what to do." he said as he jumped up to the roof and settled in to get some shut eye. Nine of the clones jumped up into the trees and disappeared into the foliage as they set up a perimeter surrounding the house while the final clone sat down next to Naruto, a last line of defense if he needed it. Naruto closed his eyes and fell asleep, intent on allowing his team to get as much sleep as possible.

(Scene Break)

Naruto woke when the sun's rays hit his eyelids, they fluttered open as he blinked the sleep away and sat back up. He had noticed he needed much less sleep than most others when he ate well. So, the eight hours he had gotten must have been because of the strain his body was put under when he consistantly moved at that speed. He was a little surprised Sasuke hadn't questioned how he had been so fast but he could probably make it seem like it was an adrenaline rush. He contemplated telling them he had been training and decided he would do so if they didn't believe it was an adrenaline rush. Of course, he wouldn't reveal that he hadn't used his full speed. He sighed as he rubbed the reattached weights on his legs, he was going to have to upgrade them when he went back to the village as they were starting to become a little too comfortable on him.

Naruto stood up and looked to his clone, "Anything happen?" he asked.

"You should know." the clone deadpanned as he tapped his head. When Naruto cocked his head in confusion the clone sighed and bopped himself, disappearing in a puff of smoke to let him know that none of his clones had disappeared. He shook his head. "How am I supposed to tell them to dispel?" he thought to himself before thinking of how this clone had just dispelled himself. He shrugged and decided to test an idea.

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