CH-14 Jinchuuriki and Chunin Exams Begins

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Chapter 14: Jinchuuriki and Chunin Exams Begin

Chapter Text

Naruto sighed as he walked towards the bridge that he was to meet his teammates on. They hadn't changed much since their vacation almost 2 weeks ago. Sasuke still brooded about his losses, though it was slightly diminished as he seemed to be in slightly higher spirits because of the increase in training Kakashi had been giving them, even if most of the training was in teamwork. Sakura was more tolerable as she could now heal most minor injuries and a few major ones, Naruto was slightly surprised at the rate with which she increased her skill. She had been becoming more confident in herself since her decline in confidence when Naruto had stopped asking her out constantly, something which led to her asking Sasuke out on a date maybe four times in the last 2 weeks. Naruto was proud of her increased skill and respected her work dedication, even if he thought she would never be a combat ninja once she found out the real dirty part of a ninja's occupation.

Naruto looked up as the bridge came into sight, he was still an hour before Kakashi would appear but he didn't actually hate the wait as much anymore, his control increased the longer he spent sitting there as he constantly used his self-made control exercise. He was capable of standing his team for now, but he still wished to have different teammates, ones that would actually support him, unlike what he felt in Team Seven, even if that was currently more his fault than anyone else's.

One odd thing about the past two weeks though was Naruto's imagination. At least, he thought it was his imagination since what he thought he saw and felt, couldn't possibly be true. To him, it seemed Kurenai lingered around him. As in, whenever they would train, she would insist on helping him stretch, running her hands down his arms, back, and legs to test his muscles. Now this wasn't anything new, as Kurenai had done it before, it just seemed like a different touch to him whenever she would seemingly take too long on one muscle or somehow send a shiver down his spine by pressing on certain places on his body that seemed more sensitive. Additionally, whenever they would spar, she would always press her body as close to himself as she possibley could. It was disconcerting and led him to create wild fantasies that often led to his defeat. He didn't know if she did this on purpose or if it was supposed to train/relax him so he decided that it would be better for him to believe that it was his imagination running wild, since Kurenai wasn't interested in him like that and he wasn't interested in her... right? He shook his head to clear it of the confusing thoughts that had been plaguing him.

He walked onto the bridge, his face set into a blank mask as his eyes darted to his teammates before he stepped towards the opposite side of the bridge to begin his exercise, Sakura had stopped yelling at him for being late since the wave mission. "Hello Naruto." Sakura said quietly, almost as if she wasn't sure she should greet him. Naruto paused in his walking as he turned his head to look back at her.

"Hello Sakura-san." he responded as he dipped his head in acknowledgement before continuing to walk towards his usual spot, never noticing Sakura's smile, it wasn't what he usually called her but she had welcomed him and he returned it. That was a step in the right direction. Naruto, unknown to his teammates, smirked as he walked towards his spot. He was happy Sakura had welcomed him, it felt good to be welcomed by his teammate.

So, the next thirty minutes passed, Sakura wasn't staring at Sasuke and Naruto was focusing on his exercise when the leaves on his body suddenly blew away as Naruto's eyes snapped open and darted to a building across the bend in the river. His eyes remained locked at that same position as Sasuke and Sakura, surprised at the leaves' actions, cast glances at him and followed his gaze to the building, both of them tensing as they felt Naruto tense, their teamwork showing to perfection as Naruto called out, "Come out..." the tension increased slightly, "Kakashi-sensei." he said as he smirked at his faceplanting teammates, who then glared at him as he grinned cheekily.

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