CH-20 What? and Training

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Naruto and Kurenai sat on his tattered old couch, Naruto had made some tea for the two to sip at as they faced each other. Naruto had been slightly ashamed that he only had chipped cups to offer his sensei, and, now that he admitted it to himself, possible love interest, but Kurenai had quickly waved it off after commenting on how good the tea tasted.

Naruto nervously glanced at Kurenai as she took another sip of her tea. They had been sitting here for a few minutes but Kurenai hadn't attempted to start a conversation, seemingly comfortable enough to sit there and just sip at her tea for now. As she did this, Naruto's eyes were constantly darting around.

The reason for this was that Naruto was experiencing what he had felt during the Academy with Sakura. He was having a hard time keeping his eyes from locking on Kurenai's face and allowing him to stare at her as she sat there sipping her tea. It was a fight he had lost horribley with Sakura since he was so damn bored in classes but, here, he was keeping his interest on other things through sheer willpower but he was starting to lose his control as his eyes subconsciously panned over to Kurenai's sitting form.

Finally, after what seemed like torturous hours to Naruto, Kurenai set her cup down and faced Naruto, her eyes panned around the room as she turned to face him, he missed the narrowing of her eyes, "Your apartment is in need of some repairs, Naruto-kun." she said.

Naruto smiled, "I know, but I couldn't afford the repairs before now, and honestly, I don't need it fixed since I'm gone so much while I'm on missions." he said as he looked at his house, "I haven't gotten around to it." he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

Kurenai nodded, "I see, well then, care to explain?" she said as she eyed his body and longer hair.

Naruto looked down, wondering what to tell her, especially since he hadn't told his Jiji the truth, when Kyuubi actually spoke up, "Tell her the truth, She has helped you the most and she is obviously concerned about it." Just as Naruto blinked in surprise at the concern Kyuubi had displayed, the thoughts of gratitude were quickly crushed by Kyuubi's continuance,"I don't want your instruction in illusions to waver, I have my pride as a kitsune to consider and you cannot be inferior to any other illusion users." it stated in its arrogant tone. Naruto sweatdropped but agreed with the great Kitsune.

So, Naruto opened his mouth, "While my team was in the Forest of Death, we were attacked by Orochimaru." he said, to which Kurenai nodded, she had heard his 'official' explanation but she knew Naruto was hiding something, "Well, he hit my Kage Bunshin with something when I was escaping, I don't remember the technique but I do know that it disrupted my chakra enough to launch me into my mindscape." he said, to which Kurenai's eyes widened slightly, "I met the Kyuubi." Kurenai tensed, looking at Naruto with some trepidation, "It was actually quite civil as compared to what the world thought of it. Quite intelligent as well, if a bit arrogant." he said with a shrug, to Kurenai slight smile at how he talked about the world's most feared beast.

"Watch it brat! I may be stuck in this damn seal but I can still make your life hell!" the Kyuubi yelled from its cage. Naruto grimaced slightly from the mental pain but waved Kurenai's questioning gaze off.

"It can communicate with me but it can't do anything beyond that, now that I'm aware of it." he said, leaving out that the Kyuubi could give him a massive headache and some pains in his body, he didn't want to worry them since it was really nothing debilitating, "After I met it, which resulted in the two of us coming to a... understanding, would be the best way to put it." he said, which caused Kurenai to narrow her eyes, "A very limited pact which leads to me having a better access and limit to its youki while it will stop the youki that has been interfering with my bloodline." he said, which caused Kurenai to give him a look of consternation, Naruto continued before she could speak against him, "According to the Kyuubi, the seal has been giving my bloodline its youki to heal my body, leading to this." Naruto said as he waved at his broadened chest, thicker and longer arms along with his hair.

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