CH-30 A Godaime?

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Chapter Text

Naruto and Tsunade stood in the middle of the street as the civilians surrounding them hurried off, each of them recognizing a shinobi standoff easily. Jiraiya and Shizune both stood off to the side, Shizune with a worried expression and Jiraiya with a curious one. Naruto was sizing up Tsunade with his usual calculating gaze, obviously taking this fight much more serious than Tsunade whom was looking down at Naruto as if the fight was already over.

"I'm part of the sannin little boy." Tsunade said as she shook her head dismissively of Naruto, whom grit his teeth in annoyance "I don't even have to be serious when fighting you." She said with a grin at Naruto.

Naruto shifted in his stance staring down Tsunade with an ever increasing urge to try to shove her words down her throat when Jiraiya spoke, "Tsunade-hime, you really shouldn't underestimate him." He warned. Naruto's dark gaze lightened as he heard Jiraiya's confidence in his ability to put even a sannin on her guard.

Unfortunately, Tsunade scoffed, "As if, the brat barely deserves one finger." She said as she held her right pointer finger up. Naruto's gaze darkened again as he glared at his opponent. "And that's all I'm going to use on you." She said, fixating her gaze back on Naruto.

"Tsunade-sama." Shizune said warningly as if she had something to say but Naruto's burst of action cut her off. Naruto had already released his weights; no weight remained on his legs as he knew he was as outclassed as he possibly could be. Despite this, Tsunade's words incensed Naruto's anger.

Though Naruto didn't go about spouting his wish to become Hokage to anyone who would listen any longer, he was still aiming for the title. His initial goal of attaining the title for purely recognition reasons had faded to be replaced by the desire and drive to protect those precious to him, and, to a lesser extent, to be recognized as one of the strongest shinobis to have walked in Konoha's walls ever, even with Genjutsu as his main jutsu branch.

Tsunade's words of complete disregard for the sacrifice of the previous Hokage's coupled with her lack of respect for the power and decisions that they had made was a direct insult to the men and title that he respected above almost all else. The fact she was related to two of them and had been trained by a third was a fact that further pushed Naruto's rage of how she could talk so callously about those whom she must have considered family and friends.

As a result, Naruto's actions were fueled by an anger that raged in his mind. Naruto became acutely aware of his surroundings and his actions. He could see how Tsunade braced herself as he rushed forward, his hand reached down and quickly brought out two shurikens. Flinging them at Tsunade, Naruto's hand was already reaching back for his kunai as he watched Tsunade move the barest amount she could to dodge his attack. This brought the information he knew about Tsunade to the forefront of his mind and he cursed his initial plan of attack.

Naruto knew that Tsunade was a medical ninja and the basic of any medical ninja was to be capable of dodging almost anything sent at them because, if they were hurt, their purpose for being on the team was null and void. It also reminded him of the thing that most of the shinobi outside of Konoha feared, Tsunade's super-strength technique using perfect chakra control.

It was little surprise to Naruto when Tsunade ducked under his kunai attack, seemingly effortlessly as she quickly disarmed him and then proceeded to flick his kunai up knockinf his headband off of his head in the process. He blinked when Tsunade appeared in front of him, her finger pulled back by her thumb and aimed at his forehead. His eyes widened as Tsunade smirked. Her finger flew, and with it went Naruto as her technique sent him tumbling back down the road and into the side of another building.

Naruto coughed as he felt blood dribble down the side of his head. Again, he cursed his choice of attack as he heard Kyuubi chuckling malevolently in his head, "Foolish brat, in your anger you forgot your precious information. Your teacher would be so disappointed in you right now." The Kyuubi chuckled again as it enjoyed the sense of disappointment coming from Naruto as he knew the truth of what Kyuubi was saying. Kurenai would be the first to scold him for his rash action.

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