Chapter 32

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A couple hours had passed and it was nearing the given time. Everyone was now back at the house getting the stuff ready. Tyrese's former boss had sent some of his men with them and they were now getting the plan together. " So we got the plan together, now it's time to go" Tyrese said, putting his guns in his waist and pulling his shirt over them. " Be careful guys I can't lose any of you" Tyrone said and they nodded. " We'll be back safe and with Jason dad's Tyrese said.

"Please bring back my baby safe Tyrese" Carmen said and Tyrese nodded, rubbing the back. Jamie and Kenny were having their moment with Vinny and Sierra, so Tyrese went outside to wait for them, seeing them together remind him of Jason. On the outside were the men who were going to go with them. " Y'all gotcha straps" he asked dand the nodded. " Good, remember don't get caught lacking" he warned them.

He soon saw Jamie and Kenny walk out, he went in the car and started it and they came inside. The other men went in their car. They drove off to the destination that Damon sent them. It was in an area where people did really go. They soon arrived and pulled over on the side of the road, they saw what looked like an abandoned house ahead so they can only assume that's where he was. "Imma  go first y'all can come after but don't get caught "Tyrese said and Jamie and Kenny nodded. " Tell the other guys to go around and see if they can get into the house and be careful you hear" he told them.

" We gonna be ok just get Jason and get Jason and make sure that mf don't live to see another day" Kenny said and they dap up each other. Tyrese came out of the car with yeh document and began to walk towards the house with his hand on his gun. He looked around but there wasn't anyone outside. He continued to walk until he heard  a voice. " You made it" he heard and looked up to see Damon looking out the window from the house.

" Let's get this shit over with and give me Jason so I can go , I ain't have time to be playing games" he said putting his finger on the trigger . " What are you rushing for?" Damon said, chuckling. " Man you really pissing me the fuck off rn" Tyrese said getting aggravated. " See you" Damon said moving from the window and Tyrese looked up confused. He pulled his gun about to walk in the house when he felt something hit him over the head and everything went blank.

Jason was sitting up against the wall holding his bump. Yesterday Damon's men came and gave him some food and medicine and he has been feeling a little bit better, but he is still weak. He wondered why they were being so nice. " Hello Jason" he heard Damon say while walking in the room. " Well you look better , I needed you to be up when your boyfriend get here so you can watch as I torture him to death" he said chuckling. "So that's why they took care of me yesterday," he thought.

" P-please just d-don't h-hurt him, I'll d-do a-anything" he stuttered out. " There is nothing you can do that can stop me from killing, I don't think you understand Jason . I want to kill him, he has to die, his kind shouldn't be here" he said smirking. " I-i hate y-you" Jason gritted out crying ." I love you too son" Damon said, chuckling. " Anyways I got a surprise for you, come on in" Damon said smiling widely and the door opened.

Jason looked to see two men dragging someone on the ground and they dropped him in front of his cell , as they put him down he recognized who it was." T-tyrese" he shouted out crawling to the bar . He pushed his hands through the bar and grabbed his hands , he saw that there was blood on Tyrese's head. " B-baby" Jason said, breaking down and shaking Tyrese but he wasn't moving.

" W-what did y-you do to h-him" he shouted out looking at Damon. " Just a little hit to the head, nothing serious," he said walking away. "B-babe p-please wake u-up" Jason said, shaking Tyrese but he didn't move . Jason saw Damon came back with a chair , some rope and a knife. " P-please don't" he pleaded but Damon just shook his head laughing." Daddy are you ready to kill him now" Candace asked, walking into the room excited. " hello Jason ready to watch your boyfriend die" she asked him chuckling.

" Put him on the chair," Damon ordered his men. As they were about to lift Tyrese they heard gunshots going outside and a loud commotion. " Go check that out now" Damon shouted at his men and they rushed out the room. " Baby girl you need to go back to the room and hide until I come," he says, turning to Candace. " Dad I'm not leaving you," she said, holding on to his hand. " Please just go " he said and she nodded, running out of the room. " If your little boyfriend did this , he's going to be sorry.

The door soon pushed open and Damon took out his gun. " Who's there?" he asked. " "Daddy" he heard Candace cry out and Jamie came in holding the gun to her head. " Who are you?" he asked Jamie, pointing his gun at him." You don't have to know that but make one wrong move and I'll put one in her head"he said pushing the gun against Candace temple and she whimpered. " Okay calm down" Damon said and they could hear the fear in his voice. He slowly put down the gun and raised his hand in defense. " See , I put it down, you can let her go now"he says,but Jamie still held the gun at Candace's head.

"Just let my daughter go ,she didn't do anything" he said, (is he foreal rn) . Jamie ignored his plead and that was pissing him off. "Fucking nigga" Damon shouted out and was about to reach to his waist band, when a gun went off four times and all four bullets went through his head and he fell. " Fucking Bitch" Tyrese said holding his head and getting up." Nooooooo"Candace screamed out . " T-ty" Jason said, crying out. " It's ok baby ,I'm here" Tyrese said, holding Jason hand through the bar. ", I-i missed y-you so m-much" Jason cried out. " I'm here now baby ,lets get chu out of here" Tyrese said, caressing his face .

" Yo I found a little girl" Kenny said, coming in with an unconscious Ashley in his arms. " I-its Ashley," Jason said . "You know her baby" Tyrese asked and Jason nodded. He felt his pants wetting and looked down to see it soak. "T-ty" Jason called out looking down. " Yes baby" Tyrese answered and looked where he saw Jason looking. " No baby what's happening" Tyrese asked worriedly,but Jason did not answer, his body just went limp and Tyrese quickly held his hands through the bars before he fell." Jason" Tyrese screamed out." Where the key" he shouted out turning to Candace but she did not answer, she was just sitting there crying .

" Answer him" Jamie gritted out but she did not say anything. He throws her to the ground and uses his gun and starts to shoot at the gate until it opens . Tyrese  slowly put down Jason then got up and opened the door and went inside. " Baby" he cried out lifting Jason but he did not move. "We need to go to the hospital now" he shouted out running out of the room and Kenny ran behind him with Ashley.

Jamie turned around to see Candace crawling towards her father and was about to take up his gun. " Stupid bitch" he said, kicking the gun away from her and grabbing her hair." Please stop" she sobbed. " Did you guys stop when Jason beg" he asked and she did not say anything. " This is for all you and your fucking dad did to him" he said and pointing the gun at her. " Ple-'' she tried to get out and he shot her in the head twice and her body fell. He rushed out the room and back to the car to see Kenny and Tyrese putting Jason and Ashely in the car. He ran into the driver side and when everyone was inside he drove off to the hospital.

The men that they came with some were injured and the others were ok, no one was dead. Damon didn't have many men and they weren't well trianed so it wasn't a challenge to get in the house ,some of them were just caught off guard .

Only 2 more chapters to go guys 😊.

That's all for this chapter,thanks for reading 💜 Also thanks for the votes and comments 💜 sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistake.

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