Chapter 26

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Tyrese P.O.V

Couple hours later

It been 3 months since I got shot and ever since I have been more cautious. I can't do that to Jason again, when I got shot he was stressing so must it almost harm the babies. I still haven't told him what happen that night because I would ended up reveal more than I wanted him to know. While I was in the hospital, boss man gave Jamie my share of money and also Kenny's. I received 30 mil like he said , there was a underground safe house that me, Jamie and Kenny build to store our money in. It was in a area that no one go to and only we knew where to find the house Jason did not know about the money , but I was planning to tell him soon.

My pops and the twins were living in house that I bought them, it was very close to me and Jason's own. The twins were now back in school and pops was working at Jason's mom company as a security. I told him he didn't have to work but he said that he wanted to and was willing to do any job. After I woke up from the coma I found out that Kenny also was awake. Me and Jamie filled him in on what took place while he was out and they also fill me in on what I missed. I heard that the cops where looking for those who were involve in the shooting but they didn't know us and we didn't leave any evidence behind.

After I got shot and was brought to the hospital the boss as send some men to clean up any evidence in the house that could lead back to us. Jason birthday was in two day and me, him mom , my friends and his were planning a surprise party for him ,we were also going to having the gender reveal the same day. I could wait to find out my babies genders.

I look down to see Jason sleeping and snoring lightly, I began to rub his bump and I heard him hum. I soon hear the front door open and voices. " Bestie" I heard Vinny called out , damn that boy was loud . I saw Jason began to shift and his eyes open. " Hmm…are they here" he asked rubbing his eye and I nodded. I got up then help him up and we went out the room. We reached in the living room to see Vinny and Sierra raiding the refrigerator. " Where's the food" I heard Vinny asked , everytime he comes over here he all up in my fridge. Jamie and Kenny was sitting on the couch , Jamie was looking for something on Netflix.

" Wassup my niggas" I said going over to them and dap them up ." Sup bro", " hey man" they replied and I sat beside them . " Hey Vinny and Sierra " I said looking in the kitchen and they wave to me. I saw them and Jason laughing about something and sit on the stool in the kitchen. I saw Jason struggling to go up on the stool, " lemme help yhu baby " I said standing up and going over to him . I hold his waist and lift him and he sat down . " Thanks Ty" he said said pecking my lips, "your welcome baby" I said kissing him back 

" You guys are so cute" Sierra said and we just chuckle. " You and the boys can play game ,we are going to just talk , until we are ready for the movie" he said and I nodded then kiss his forehead and walk back over to the guys. " Yo let's play some game" I said and they nodded, Kenny set up the game and I got the controllers. We started the game and began to play. I occasionally took glances at Jason and I saw him and his friends whispering and laughing and I just smile watching him. As long as he was happy, I was happy. So far in the game I was winning and Kenny and Jamie were whining like little bitches. " Yo yhu cheating" Jamie asked and I laugh. " Nah man am just that good " I said they chuckle. Q


A hour and a half as passed since the boys were playing the game and their lovers were talking ,but they didn't know what the three musketeers were planning.
"Let's prank them" Vinny said with wide grinned . " What kind of prank" Sierra ask curiously and Jason looked at him. " We are going to make them jealous" he replied." How ?"Jason asked. We are going to look at a group pictures of the three of us but act like we are looking at another man and we are going to talk about how fine he his. " Girl you want to get us kill" Sierra asked in fear. " It's going to be fun, please can we do it" he said showing them his puppy eyes  " not the puppy eyes " Jason said sighing. " Fine we'll do it" he said and Vinny cheered.

" What got chu guys so excited" Jamie asked turned around and Kenny and Tyrese looked too . " Nothing we were just talking about some memories that we shared " he said and they nodded turning back to the game." Ok ready now" Vinny asked them and they nodded. " Oh this man is so fineeee, he could definitely hit , look guys" he started and they look at the phone to see them self . " Damn look at that print and the pack" Sierra said ," what they just say" they heard the boys grumbling but decided to ignored them .

" When I have my babies, he could definitely give me the next one' Jason said and everyone look at him and that when he knew he fucked up. " Repeat that shit again Jason" Tyrese voice boom in the room and they startled in fear. " It your problem now bestie boo" Vinny said and him and Sierra ran to the living room . " Really guys " Jason said but they did not respond. " Where do you guys think your going" Jamie said and Vinny and Sierra stop.

"Sorry dadd-" vinny tried to get out but Jamie pull him in one of the room. " Hel-" he tried to say but his voiced became muffled. Kenny throw Sierra over his shoulder and she screamed out . He held her tight while she thrashed around and went to the next room . Well we all know what going to happen. " Ty it's was just-" Jason tried to get out before Tyrese grab his neck but not tight enough to hurt him ." Why tf would you say some shit like that " he gritted out but Jason did not answer. " Let's get something straight, as long as yhu and I live the only person yhu having any more kids with and going to be with is me , I will kill a nigga yhu hear me ' he said gripping harder and Jason just nodded whimpering.

" I'm glad yhu understand baby" he said kissing Jason lips and smacking his ass hard. " Ty that hurts and it was a prank" Jason said pulling away and Tyrese began to massage his ass, " I'm sorry baby " he said kissing down to his neck and sucking on it. " Hmm" Jason moan out. " Ty I want yhu" he said and Tyrese pulled away. " Just because of that prank you ain't getting nun" Tyrese whispered in his ear and he began to whine, but Tyrese just ignored him. "Ok then ,I'll get it from someone else " he said and scream when he felt Tyrese snatched him up. " I'm joking damn ,almost gave me a heart attack" he said. " If you weren't pregnant with my kids I would have fuck ur ass up keeping play Jason" Tyrese said walking off to the living room.

" I'm sorry baby" Jason said going after him and straddle him when he sat down. " It had to be joke , I don't play about mine " he said rubbing Jason butt." Yhu mine forever and am yours"he whispered out and they began to kiss, soon they heard the room door open and Vinny came out limping. " Damn boy why u limping so hard" Tyrese said laughing and Vinny flip him off. Soon Kenny and Sierra came out too and Sierra was blushing furiously.
" Kenny got his girl looking like big red" Tyrese said and everyone laugh out. " Y'all better not pulled that shit again " Jamie said and they just nodded , chuckling. " Movie time" Jason said excited and they nodded going on Netflix. " Let's watch shameless" vinny suggested and Sierra and Vinny cheered, it was one of their favourite show. " I'll order the food" Kenny said and they nodded.

Twenty minutes later they had their food and was watching the movie. "Damn frank need to get his ass beat" kenny said and the others agreed with him . They decide to watch the movie for the rest of the day because they were planning to stay the night and that's what they did. It was now 3am and they decide to finally go to bed. They tell each other goodnight and then went to there room. Tyrese lift Jason up and brought him to the room because he fell asleep earlier. He lay him on the bed and then went to take off his clothes and was left in his underwear. He lay down and pulled Jason in his arms and pull the cover over them . He rub his back and soon fell asleep too.

That's all for this chapter,thanks for reading 💜 Also thanks for the votes and comments 💜 sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistake.

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