Chapter 10

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Tyrese P.O.V

As I rushed out of mom's room I sat on the floor in the hallway and began to cry. " Tyrese" I heard my name called and I look up to see Jamie and Kenny running over to me . " What happen man" Kenny ask and stoop down.

" She's gone mom is gone" I said crying. " Fuck " I heard Jamie whispered as their eyes started to get teary . They love my mom as they own mother because she treats them like how she treats me and the twins ( his brother and sister) . " It's gon be ok , we got u hear me" Jamie said stooping down too and hug hug me and I just nodded.

I then remember that Jason was still hear and told them I had to go do something. They want to come but I told them I wanted to go alone . They said that they were going to mom room to see what was going and I nodded and walked away. I couldn't go back to mom's room I can't see her lifeless body just laying there.

I walk towards the reception to ask for Jason room . " Can I get the room number for Jason - " shit I don't know his last name . She look at me confused and ask " Jason who " . " I don't know his last name but he was brought in because he fainted and he's also pregnant" I said . " Are you family" she asked and I shook my head no . Obviously I'm not family I don't know his last name.

" Well I can't give you his room number because first you are not family and you also don't know his last name so obviously your not his friend either" she said with an attitude. She is really testing me rn.

" Just give me the fucking room number and don't play with me right now' I gritted out and she nod looking afraid. She hurriedly type on her computer then tell me the room number and I left to look for the room.

I soon found it and went inside to see Jason crying and the doctor and his mother arguing. I quickly went in to comfort him and they all just look at me and Jason back away from me .
Damn I really messed up.

Jason's P.O.V

" What are you doing here" he asked shock. I couldn't answer him I was just staring at him with my mouth wide opened."We could ask you the same thing" mom asked angrily.
" To do my job" he said looking at her. " Wait your are my pregnant patient" he asked looking at me , but I just looked down without answering. " I know your mother couldn't raise you , look at you now a pregnant teenager boy" he said with a disgust tone. 

" What did you just say you stupid bitch ,we want a next doctor now" mom said to him angrily. " I'm the only available now to do this so whether you like it or not he stuck with me " he said in a mocking tone. " I really hate you , your son of a bitch " mom said getting in his face and pushing. " Mom please stop " I cried out but she just keeps on push him and they began to argue.

I just lay their silently cry and rubbing my bump and that's when I  heard the door . I turned to see who it was and it's was Tyrese. He rushed in the room and came over to me and try to touch me but I moved away . I saw his facial expressions change to a look of guilt and hurt.

" Now who's this " da- the doctor asked in bitter time
. " The father of his children" mom said still in his face. " Not only did you get pregnant as a teen you also went and got pregnant by a nigga" he said with disgust evident in his voice and I look at him shock .

" What the fuck did you just say" Tyrese said getting up and was about to approach but I grabbed his hand to stop him and he look at me then sat back down. " I said what I said , I'm glad I left when I did . I wasn't going to let you bring shame and disgrace to my image" he said and walk out. I felt so hurt by all those things that he just said and started to cry again . What father treats there own flesh and blood that way .

" Honey it's ok , we don't have to worry about him everything is going to be ok" mom said hugging me and I just cried in her arms ." Can I talk to him " Tyrese interrupt and my mom looked at him . " I'm not going to do him anything I just wanna apologize" he added . Mom hesitated at first but then she agreed when I told her I was going to be ok and I also wanted to talk to him. She said that she was going to report you know who and will be back soon.

As soon as mom left he started. " I wanna apologize about what happened that day and the things I said and did to you. I should have never said those things to you, I was  way out a line " he said and I could see that he was be very sincere.
" I accepted your apology" I whispered and he look at me with a small smile. " I would also like to be apart of the babies life if you'll let me " he said and I nodded.

It became silently for a while as we both were too nervous to say anything until he spoke. "Can I " he asked pointing to my bump and I nodded. He rest his hands on it and began to rub it and I could see a small smile forming on his face." How far along are you" he asked and I told him two months, he just nodded and continue to smile and rub it. I also started to smile while looking at him.

He look up and saw me staring and I quickly look away and started to blush and I heard a small chuckle from him. He continues to rub my bump until he got a notification on his phone. He look at it and the smile was go and I saw his eyes began to get teary.

" What's wrong " I asked worriedly. " My momma died today " he said sniffing with his hand still on my bump. " I'm so sorry to hear that" I said and hug him. He was shock base on his body language because he jumped a little when I hugged him . I knew he wasn't expecting it but he quickly wrap his arms around and I  rubbed his back. We soon break apart and he said he had to go back to his family. He asked me for my number and said that he had to go back to his family. " I'm having a scan soon but you have to go back to your family but, I have an appointment in two weeks would you like to come" I asked him and he nodded with a small smile and said he would texted me . I smile at him and he left.

My mom soon came in the room with another doctor and he did the scan . He said the babies were healthy and growing and I could be discharged now . After I got discharged we went home and mom told Candace about what happened at the hospital. She was furious, she hugged me and told me that I should not worry about him and just ficus on my babies and I  nodded and then went to my room .

It was now 9pm and I received a message from an unknown number.


Unknown #- Hey

Unknown #- It's Tyrese

Me- Hi

Tyrese- I'm sorry I couldn't stay for the scan today, how are the babies?

Me- It's ok you had to leave but they are healthy and growing good.

Tyrese- That's good to hear, I got to go now my family and I have to discuss about my mother's funeral.

Me- My condolences to you and your family again . Goodnight

Tyrese - Thank you . Goodnight

End of conversation

After the conversation I texted Vinny and Sierra to let them know that the babies were doing ok then I locked my phone and put it on the table and switch of the light.  I then began to caress my bump and talk to it like I usually do and slowly fell asleep.

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