Chapter 13

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Tyrese P.O.V

Today was Jason's appointment and I was getting dressed and then go pick him up. I got dressed in a grey sweatpant and tight fit black t- shirt and some black AF1. I took up my cross body bag and put around my neck. My shoulder didn't hurt as much as it did before but they was still a bruise there. I went downstairs and I saw dad and the twins eating breakfast.

" Morning pops" I greeted him and then the twins. " Boy where is you all dressed to go" pops said while eating. " I have something to take care of " I reply and took a bacon off Tiana plate. " Don't be putting your hand in my food, ion know where they been" she said with an attitude . I just smack my lips and tried to take another one and she snatched her plate up. " Girl you been doing the absolute most over some bacon" I said and went to take some off Tian plate and he smack his teeth while mean mugging me.

" Why can't you go get your own" he said . " Y'all better not ask me to buy y'all shit since you wanna be mean, buy your own fucking things from now on" I said and felt a shoe flew in my direction. " I know your ass ain't up hea cussing in ma house" pops said in his scary ass tone . They be doing to much . " Am out" I said leaving .

I got outside and went in my car, I started it and began to drive . I took out my phone to hit up Jason because I didn't know is address. " Wassup ma" I said has he answer, I saw him put the phone up to stand as he looked in the mirror." Goodmorning" he replied smiling while  fixing his curls. He was pretty asf I know ma babies where gonna be beautiful. " Am on my way to pick you up now but I need your address" I said because I already knew the neighborhood but I didn't know his exact address.

He told me and I began to drive there. We continue to talk on the phone and 20 minutes later I pull up at a house, damn this was a mansion. " Am outside" I said and he nodded and hang up. I soon see him walk out of the house while rubbing his bump and I just started smiling while staring at him. I quickly got out and went around the passenger side to open the door for him.

" Thank you " he said blushing and went inside and I close it. I then jog back around to my side and went in . "You good" I asked and he nodded still rubbing his bump. It has grown since the last time a saw him , I think he's also 3 months now. Six mo months and my babies are here ,I was planning on taking him soon to buy some clothes for the babies and also for him because soon his aren't gonna fit anymore.

I pulled out of his drive way and started to drive to the hospital. On the way to the hospital we made small talk and gett to know each other more . Fifteen minutes later I reached the hospital and parked the car. We got out and began to walked to the hospital and I reached over to intertwine our hand , he turned to looked at me while blushing and held my hand. We went inside and went to the reception to sign in, she said that we should sit and he will be called soon.

Five minutes later

" Jason Colton" we heard a nurse called, we got up and followed her into a room. " Goodmorning just wait here and a doctor will be with you soon" she said and we nodded. Jason went to sit on the bed and I stand at the side. " Are you excited" he asked and I nodded, it was the first time seeing my babies and I couldn't wait.

We then heard the door opened and a female doctor walked in. " Goodmorning guys I'm Dr Smith" she said coming over to shake out hands. We both told her goodmorning and she gave us a small smile. She went over to turn on the scan and I saw Jason began to raise his shirt. His bump was so beautiful, she squeeze some gel on his stomach and I saw him shiver a little.

" Let's see what we have here" she said putting a small device on his stomach and movie it around." So there are your babies, there is baby A and there is baby B " she pointed and I started to smile while looking at the screen. I could see Jason tearing up a little. She then had an expression on her face that was hard to read and I saw Jason started to look worried.

" Is everything ok , is something wrong with my babies" Jason asked worriedly. " It seems like Twin B is bigger than twin A , but not to worry they are both healthy" she said turning to give us a small smile and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I saw Jason slowly breath out with a smile on his face and grab my hand and I looked down and smile at him.

She then wipe the gel off his stomach and asked if we wanted any picture. Jason said yes and got six. He said one was for me , him , his mom and sister and also Vinny and Sierra. She said we could leave now and we had a next appointment in 3 weeks.

We walked out the hospital and went back to my car, I opened the door and he thanked me and went in, then I went to my side and got in. " Are you hungry" I asked and he nodded. " Can we get McDonald's" he asked and I nodded and started to drive there. Ten minutes later I reached and parked in the parking lot. We got out of the car and went inside . I told him to find a table for us while I ordered and he nodded, I saw him sit at a table that was in the back.

After I ordered and got the food I went over to our table and put it down. I got a big Mac, 10 piece nuggets and a sprite and he wanted a double cheeseburger , 10 piece nuggets too and a chocolate shake.
We began to eat and we were fucking this shit up , we then began to talk about the babies when I heard my name being called.

" Tyrese" I heard a female shouted out and turned to see Latoya. Here we fucking go again why can't she just leave me the fuck alone. She walked over to the table and started looking Jason up and down and I saw him looked down. " You don't see me calling your phone" she said turning to look at me." No bitch because your blocked" I said mugging her. " Why are you acting like this Tyrese,its always been us" she said in soft tone. This bitch did not , didn't I caught this bitch playing house with the opps.

" Girl I ain't go tell you again, avoid me or else imma have to kill your ass" I said and I saw Jason looking at me shocked ." So this is who you left me for a fucking fag" she said with disgust and I saw a look of hurt flash across Jason face. ," Call him that I again and see what I do to you " I said getting up in her face and pushing her and she fell.

" Hey take this outside" I hear someone shouted from over the counter say. " Let's go ma " I said turning to Jason and packing up our food. I grabbed his hand and we went outside. I soon saw the bitch follow us out and walked up to us. " This not over Tyrese just wait, better keep a close eye on your bitch" she threatening and walk away ,I was going after her until Jason hold my hands. " Just let her go Tyrese" he said " but she threatened you" I shouted and I saw him jumped a little. " It doesn't matter just leave it" he said and I smack my lips.

I was so fucking heated right now I had to get that bitch one way or another. I went in the car and I saw Jason follow and came in. I just ignored him and started the car and drive out of the parking. I turned to see him playing with his bracelet and looking down. I pulled over and turned to him and hold his hands , " I'm sorry mama for shouting at you,it just that bitch got me so heated when she threatened you" I said and I saw him nodded slowly. " Its ok I'm not mad at you" he said I pulled him into a hug.

We pulled apart and started to stare at each other, I saw his eyes shift to my lips and then back up to my eyes , I then began to look at his lips also and slowly lean in and I saw him leaning in too. I soon feel our lips touched, I slowly began to move mine against his and he copied my movement. It began to get heated and I didn't even know when he reach on my lap. I felt him started to grind against me and a groan escape from my lips .I break the kiss and stated  to suck on his neck and I heard him moaned out. We break apart and I saw his face looking flush and his lips were swollen , they was also the big ass hickey I left on his neck.

" Damn " I said and he look down smiling. I then saw him look up at me shocked and I looked down to see my dick on hard. "Fuck " I whispered and he quickly got out of my lap while chuckling. " You find this funny don't you" I said adjusting my self and I heard him laugh out . I just looked at him smiling because hearing him laugh made me happy.

" Would you like to come over" he asked and I turned to looked at him. " You gon help me with ma problem" I asked. " Maybe" I heard him reply in a sly tone. I just chuckle and started to drive to his place.

That it for this chapter thanks for reading , also thank for the votes and your feedbacks💜 sorry for any spelling and grammatical mistake. A little something something in the next chapter if you get what I'm saying😏😉.


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