Chapter 21

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Jason P.O.V

It has been a couple hours since Tyrese left and I was getting worried. He said he would call soon but I haven't received any call yet. I looked at the time and saw that it was 7pm. I tried to call him a couple times but it went straight to voicemail. I was trying to think positive to not stress because it wasn't good for the babies. I was laying down until I started to crave pickles and ice cream. I had some pregnancy cravings that I would not go for if I wasn't pregnant.

I got up and went down to see Candace watching the tv, I didn't see mom so I guess she wasn't home yet and if she was she would have come to check on me. I was walking to the kitchen to grab what I wanted until I heard her speak up. " So why did your so-called " not thug" baby father leave in a rush" she asked, I ignored her and continued walking and I heard her chuckle. " I guess you drove him away too just like you did with dad" she said bitterly and I stopped in my tracks. Did she really just say that?

"What the fuck did you just say" I said turning to her feeling hurt and angry at the same time, why would she say that and she know how I feel about that situation. " I said what I said " she said standing up.

" How could you say that Candace, you know how I feel about that" I said and felt my eyes begin to get teary. "That's why he left because you could never be the son he wanted, your weird, weak and don't even know your fucking gender" she screamed out and I was shocked by her words. When others discriminate against me because of my condition she was the one who always stuck up for me so what is her problem now.

" Not only that,you decide to go and get pregnant by a black criminal " she said with disgust evident in her voice. " Your a fucking bitch you know that " I shouted at her and began walking back towards the stairs to go back to my room but she stand in my way. " Move " I gritted out but she didn't move, I swear if I wasn't pregnant I would of drag her ass." What are you going to do Jason , going to hire your little thug boyfriend to kill me" she said, pushed me and I stumbled back but hurriedly balanced myself before I could fell." You fucking crazy , why would you do that you could have hurt me and the babies" I said but it didn't look like she care. I went up to her and pushed her back but she grab my hair and pulled it and I screamed out.

" What is happening in here" I heard mom say as she rushed in and separated me and Candace. " Are you crazy , why would you try to fight your brother and he's pregnant?" she said to Candace and turned to me. " Are you ok? '' she asked but I didn't answer, I just burst out in tears. I couldn't believe my sister, who I looked up to growing up and admired so much, would say those hurtful things to me and try to fight me while I'm pregnant. Mom hugged me and I just went limp in her arms and cried harder.

" You always baby him and shit that's why he's like that. You always pick him over me" she shouted at mom. " What did you just say , I always treated you guys the same, why would you even think that? You always used  to stick up for your brother, what has changed now " mom said to her angrily. " He's the reason dad left" she shouted again and I saw mom looked shocked at her outburst. " Get out now" mom yelled at her and she looked startled. " What" she asked, " you heard me out now" mom said and I tried to stop her from making a mistake she's going to regret but she shushed me.

" I fucking hate you two, and Jason it's not over" she shouted and went out and slam the door. "Mo-" i tried to get out but she interrupted me." Just go to your room , I'll bring up your dinner when it's finish" she said. " But mom" I said , " honey just go" she said walking up the stairs to get to her room and I followed behind going to mine . Why can't I just go through one day without having any problem, I thought.

I went to my room and lay down, I decided to call Tyrese to see if I got him but still nothing. I called about 20 times and left some text messages. I hope he's ok , I can not do this without. I decided to call Vinny and Sierra so I made a group facetime and they soon answered. Sierra was laying down while Vinny looked like he just got out of the shower and was getting dressed.


Vinny : Hey babe

Sierra: Hii baby j

Jason: Hey guys

Vinny : What's wrong sweetie , why do you sound like that. Is something wrong?

Jason: Tyrese left a couple hours ago and said that he would call but he did not. It seems as if it was an emergency and now I'm worried something happened to him, I have been calling him but it went straight to voicemail. Then there Candace that's been on my ass about Tyrese being a thug, I'm the reason dad left and she tried to fight me today.

Sierra: what??

Vinny :That bitch did not, I'll drag her ass if I catch her . I'm sure Tyrese is ok , he probably dealing with something, because you said it seems like it was an emergency.

Sierra: We started working yesterday and I was wondering why she was being so hard on us and giving us attitude.

Jason: So she's taking out her problems with me on you guys.

Vinny: she better not let me catch her , I thought yesterday she was just in a lil mood but now I know it's more than that

Jason: Guys just avoid her please.

Vinny: But babe she is trying to hurt and the fact that she tried fighting you while you're pregnant is crazy.

Sierra: I agree with Vinny she needs to get her ass beat.

Jason: Just leave it please .

Vinny : Just because of you I'm going to do it.

Jason : So I was wondering if you guys want to plan a gender reveal for the babies, I was thinking you guys could do it with Tyrese friends.

Vinny : Omg yes!!! Plus we get to be around them that's even better. We can shoot our shots.

Sierra: I'm in , when are you planning to keep it?

Jason: I let you guys know when I go for the ultrasound and you can pick up the results and decide when you want to plan it.

We talked some more until I heard a knock on my door.

Jason: I'm going now, I'll talk to you guys tomorrow.

Vinny : Ok bye babe, love you.

Sierra: Bye baby j, love you.

Jason: love you guys too

Conversation end

I hung up the phone and went to open my door and saw mom standing there with dinner. " Hey baby, here's your food" she said, handing it to me and coming in. I took it and went to sit on my bed and she sat in the chair beside my bed. " I'm sorry about what Candace said today honey , I don't know what has gotten into her lately" she said . " It is not your fault mom and I'm over it already " I said to her and she nodded rubbing my thigh ,but I was lying I was still hurt by the fact she said those things. " I'm going to go to bed now ok, I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight ,I love you" she said, getting up and kissing my forehead. " Goodnight mom , I love you too" I replied and she nodded going out and close the door

I began to eat my dinner and scroll through TikTok. Soon I was finished and went downstairs and wash it . While coming back up I had to stop to catch my breath , these babies were killing me. Because I was carrying twins my bump was way bigger than 4 months. I continued and went to my room . I began to feel sleepy so I went to do my night routine and then I went back to my room and lay down . I took up my phone and still nothing from Tyrese so I put it back down. I started to rub my bump talking to my babies to calm me and I slowly fell asleep.

I was sleeping until I was woken up by my phone ringing. I took it up and quickly put it back down because of the brightness. I then looked again to see that it was Tyrese calling , I saw that it was 4 in the morning. This is when he decided to call after I had called him for so long , I thought I was getting pissed off." What "I answered with an attitude and I heard him sigh.

That's all for this chapter, thanks for reading 💜 Also thanks for the votes and comments💜☺️. Just a couple chapters left and the story is complete.

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