Chapter Two

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"Driver, please stop here." Jimin said. As he stepped out of the car once it reached in front of an orphanage.


Is what it read as he walked inside while bowing at security in front of the gates. "Hey Minnie." one of the guards said. "Hi Uncle." Jimin said as he waved his hand.

"Hey Jiminie where were you? Ohhh my god I was so scared." Min said as he ran towards Jimin grabbing the bags of groceries from him.

"This one brat almost hit me with his car." Jimin said while checking his bruises on hands and knees.

"WHAT? WHO IS THIS BRAT, I'LL KILL HIM!" Min shouted as he was checking Jimin's hands and knees impatiently.

"Ohhh please hyung please don't over act." Jimin said as he rolled his eyes.

"OHHH MINNIE YOU CAME!" Vectors shouted from far away.

"Vector!" Jimin said as he waved his hands.

"Hey boys there's no time for fooling around because we have a lot of work to do here, besides do you want Mrs. Lee to nag you all day like she does me telling me to do this and that and to make sure that you both go and teach dance to the other kids otherwise she'll spank your asses." Min said.

"Okay Hyung." Jimin and Vector said as they ran towards their classes in the orphanage.


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