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𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞


I stare at the head resting on the hospital bed snuggled to my hand.

If any of what I saw or heard or felt was real last night.

Then the last thing I want is to be near him.

For a moment I did forget what I'm doing all this for.

For a moment I thought this was more than just for Rosie.

Just for Celia.

For a moment last night when he slow danced us in the middle of the crowd I did forget all that he had done, all that gore darkness inside of him.

And just for the moment it was just him and I and the faded music.

Like the beauty and beast dancing.

And for a second...just a second I thought of the forbidden.

For a second I might've let myself drown in the possibility of us if multiverse was real.

For a second I wanted to put my morals, put all my rights and wrongs in a treasure box and throw it at the sea.

But you can't just throw away your past.

None of the ones I killed could escape their past.

Then who the fuck am I?

Could my sister run from her past cause here I'm like Death with a scythe waiting for her to see past my facade.

Past her husband's facade.

All the lies that she has been spewed.

I'm going to take her out of that dysfunctional family of liars and cheaters.

She didn't survive all that hell to end up with someone who can't give her the bare minimum of being honest.

And I don't give a fuck about what that motehrfucker of her husband has to defend himself for being a liar.

He lied.

Like that motehrfucker who locked me in the room last night did.

All fucking liars are what we end up with.

Taylor was so real when she said, we want love but all we meet is danger.

For us two it's cheaters and liars.

But she won't share my faith.

No God has the power to write her off a sad pathetic destiny when her sister is alive.

I'll go war with the heavens and hells to get her the life she deserves.

Like I would for Rosie.

And they can hate me all they want as long as they get the happy ending I can die smiling with my tragic end.

I try to pull out my hand but it only makes his grip on mine tighten.

There is a pounding in my head and everytime I close my eyes I see her burnt corpse up in my face.

Her burning red eyes haunting me.

I sigh trying to get up but a physical exhaustion I've never known just weighs me down.

But right now if I continue laying I feel like I'm going to throw up.

"Leah," Marlon's alarmed voice makes me flinch as it straightway drills into my skull. "What are you doing, don't get up..."

𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐀 𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now