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𝐁𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲

Dedicated to bookspsychosis
For all the love 🤍


Song-Family Line


I close the door as Nevi's school bus leaves and walk back inside directly to the woman, who still manages to look gorgeous even while doing dishes.

"You don't have to go today." I kiss the back of her neck encircling my arms around her small waist.

Gosh I should feed her more.

"Not go where?"

"At Scarlet." I mutter softly.

After last night, I am afraid of her having another episode if she sees roses.

"No babe, I got an order for wedding flowers that needs to be delivered today."

She turns around leaving a soft peck on my lips. "You liked the breakfast?"

I smirk.

"Which one? You or-"

"Arwan." She slaps my shoulder playfully grabbing a leftover taco holding it between her teeth while she throws her cinnamon hair in a bun, and there those dainty little pointy ears of hers unsheathed.

I take the opportunity to take a bite out of it, smiling at the sight how her eyes widens and her heart rate picks up.

"Yep I loved the tacos." I say with a mouthful as she stares at me wide eyed before breaking out of her trance grinning.

I love to see that smile on that beautiful face.

"Okay I am done with everything here," She claps her hand glancing taking a mental note, while I simply stare at her face, loving the sight of her side profile, her ears the main attraction that pulled me from the start.

Nevi might be my clone but those ears, are enough to tell he is a mamma's boy.

I hate that most of the time it lays hidden under all those veils of ginger, but this rare times when she doesn't hide it.

I love it.

Even though it's only a couple handful of times she has actually let me touch her ears.

She doesn't like it.

As much as she doesn't like talking about her past and the hatred for grey and red.

I ofcourse respect that boundary when I myself keep so many puzzle pieces of me to myself. The guilt of it comes in tides so full I almost give in.

I push back the thoughts, the guilt is rather stronger today after last night.

"Now let's go and get your hand checked out." She turns face back to me waiting for me say or do something but I just leisurely hold her in my arms.

Flashes of last night still bothering me with her words.

"Wan?" She calls softly stepping closer. "Are you okay?"

My eyes drop to her lips and that paranoia of them going cold and never being able to kiss them or wake up to the feel of them against my chest.

The same way I felt when she got possessed.

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