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𝐆𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞?



I gasp loudly, startled turning towards the new voice so fast that I jerk back into the barrel colliding with it, my hands coming to hold onto it for support.

My heart racing a thousand miles a milliseconds as I breathe hard my wide eyes staring at Leah who is just as much freaked out by my reaction.

"Oh my God? Are you okay?" She rushes in.

My mouth stays parted breathing like a dog and scared the hell out of my fucking mind like a cat.

"Aery?" Arwan follows behind her, in four long strides, he is by my side.

His voice alarmed and his face creased with worry but I am just too chilled to the bone.

I barely notice that the dull light in the room is turned on when Arwan pulls me to his chest.

"What the hell happened?" He whisper yells.

Leah stays stunned looking around the room.

I open and close my mouth unable to find my voice.

"I....I....hea-" I swallow looking at the direction of the barrel and sure enough there is nothing behind it right now.

When a couple seconds back I swear there was something behind it singing that dreadful lullaby.

I close my mouth.

What the hell am I supposed to say?

That I fucking heard a lullaby and followed it here?

Like hell she will believe me without thinking I'm a lunatic.

I gather my bearings getting a hold of myself and my spiralling thoughts.

"I....think I saw a....mouse?"

I did see a mouse near the black ivy, except it didn't sing a fucking lullaby.

She breathes out in relief like I did back then.

"Oh my god you scared the fucking shit out of me."

"You scared the shit out of me." I grumble under my breathe.

"You followed the mouse here?" She asks glancing around once again, a look of distaste creeps up on her face.

"Yeah, it was a really big mouse." I lie feeling arms around me tighten, I look upto him his eyes boring hole onto the reddend skin of my chest.

He knows...

"God where the fuck did I move in...." She curses staring at all the cobwebs and dust and furnitures and other stuffs covered under white sheets which are almost brown from all the dirt.

This is a storeroom now that I see in the light.

Or a junk of stored negative energy.

"You know what let's get out of this room, this room is giving me anxiety eversince I walked into the house." She looks at me anxious and glum.

I want to tell her what actually happened, but that part of me that is paranoid of being judged as a lunatic like I used to be, makes me tongue tied.

The part of me that lead me to hell all my life.

I feel myself nodding my head walking out of the room holding onto Arwan, who is eerily silent.

"What do you mean the room has been giving you anxiety?" I ask numbly but worried.

𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐀 𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now