The New Poseidon

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Please note that there are several other things I have from Empowerment and Legacy systems but the list is too long that it will take hours to read, but yes these are my important constitutes and functions], it explained.

He nodded a bit calmer than before and asked curiously," Tell me System how many hosts before me you had and how they died?".

[Master I had 12 hosts before you, and you are my 13th one.

My 1st host was a normal Japanese reincarnation, he died due to not getting strong enough and fighting against the strong enemy for his friend despite knowing he might die.

My 2nd Host again was a normal Japanese, he died due to being a wimp in front of his women and one of his women killed him in Jealousy.

My 3rd Host was again a Japanese but an elite one, she died due to being too scared of being a villain in the world where she reincarnated, always made softer decisions like letting her fiance go away until he killed her by surprise despite her being nearly a demigod by that time.

My 4th Host was an American and he died due to teasing an overpowered tsundere being while he just got me, in the end, the tsundere killed him while shouting 'baka' by mistake.

My 5th Host was a European and he died due to being too scared of his Yandere lovers to accept them fully, wasted too much time running from them and in the end they sacrificed themselves for him, protecting him when he made an enemy of a Powerful Being and died pathetically.

My 6th...


My 12th and previous host was a God, but as a God, like you or your Poseidon Part, he was too arrogant, did things recklessly, and survived till he became a Multiversal being and in the end, decide to travel to Marvel Universe and got killed after making an enemy out of Lady Death.

In the end, I made a new Reincarnation protocol 7 and reincarnated you after fusing a soul of God and a Human], and it finished.

He was speechless hearing the ways previous Masters of the System Died, he sighed and then grabbed his chest," Just a final question, who I am really? You said I am a fusion of both of my previous souls and while I feel like I am Deepak yet at the same time I no longer feel like a Human but a God, with no morality issues, ready to kill everyone against me".

[You can say you are both Poseidon and Deepak or a new entity made from them which is more accurate], it replied.

"I see", he said closing his eyes and remembering both of his lives, after a few minutes he opened and said," My Deepak self has no final goal but wants to become the Heir and my Poseidon self wants to battle that Human again", his eyes glistened as he calmly said," Poseidon, I will be the New Poseidon".

[Congarts on naming yourself Poseidon!

You have completed the hidden quest known as 'Thy Self and Thy desires'!

Reward: Spirit Magic Meggido, 'The God's Wrath' has been acquired!]

Poseidon smiled seeing this, from his memories he knew how strong Magic Meggido was, it was able to destroy the souls or kill the opponent, and for the God of Water, it was perfect offensive magic. He clenched his fists ready to become strong and see where this journey of his leads him.

"Sasaki Kojiro huh?", he said to himself and then said," I will, I will battle with you again and defeat you!", his eyes burning with the desire to get back at his humiliation, no he didn't think Kojiro as worm as like he did earlier, there were literal Godslayers out there, many of them being human, cultivators strong enough to destroy galaxies and Gods like him easily, it will be useless of him to think himself as a Supreme Being when his strength is not even in the middle of the ranking of Strongest Humans.

FATE: THE NEW POSEIDON Volume 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang