If only the attraction wasn't one-sided. I could have done the same tricks on him. I mean, he was cheating, so I should, too. But I'm pretty sure that even if he found me even the teensiest bit attractive, it was not during our self-defense classes. I'm sure I looked more like a red tomato and looked nowhere near as sexy as he did.

But I must say, after two weeks of non-stop training, I was getting pretty good at this. Well, it's not nearly as good as Mr. Carlton, of course. His moves were clean and fast.

I asked him where he had learnt how to fight and he had told me that he had been in the army for four years, and also that, that's where he had met Felix who was also now an ex-army official. Apparently, he had done half his law degree while still being an active member in the army.

I was really impressed. And my respect for Mr Carlton grew the more I got to know him. And I have really grown to like him a lot as a person when he lets his guard down at home and allows his true self to show. And we actually have a lot of fun during these workouts. Well, not right now, I thought as I ended up on the floor for the twentieth time that morning.

"Ow," I exclaimed before I opened my eyes that had closed due to the impact of hitting the floor.

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