Guy= That is true. Because if you can't communicate with anyone. You might get attacked for no reason.

No reaction from Veldora either.

He seems to have vanished, but I know that much is not true.

We made a promise, after all.

When we next meet, I will have prepared a lot of funny and strange things to tell him about.

Rimuru= I was not able to surprise you. Since at the time I didn't know but you were able to see everything.

Veldora= It is a good thing that I was able to see what was happening outside. Otherwise, it would had been incredibly boring.

Ramiris= How is it in there?

Veldora= Nothing really is around. And it's quite sad to be honest.

Rimuru= It is my storage place what did you expect.

Veldora= I know I was just answering Ramiris.

I was moving in a tunnel. Slowly so that any accidents may not happen. Yes, I was still traumatized when I fell last time. I can't move that fast. Anyway, after a while I was in front of a giant gate.

I thought about using [Water Blade] on it to open. But then I heard a voice. The door was opening.

I hid so that they don't see me. Because even though these were humans. They would most likely attack me.

Testarossa= Smart move, because they most likely would had attacked you. And then you had to retaliate.

Shizu= Which would send a wrong message that a dangerous slime lives in the cave of Veldora.

Benimaru= Which would had been bad for Rimuru-sama's policy.

Rimuru= I had decided as long as I can't communicate with them. I won't meet them.

???= It finally opened, huh. Lock fell apart and the doors rusted...

???= Hey, that's only to be expected. Don't they say that no one entered here in 300 years?

???= Not on record, at least. But more importantly, are we really going to be fine? We won't be attacked suddenly, right?

???= Okay, okay, I got it, so would you please not let your guard down? Well, if it comes down to it, I'll just escape using "Forced Withdrawal" ...

???= Guys, I got the extent of your friendship, so could you please be quiet? You'll blow my "Camouflage Skill".

a boisterous trio had entered.

I wonder why...

Actually... why do I understand their words?

<Solution. In cases where intentions are vocalized, [Magic Perception] converts them to appropriate words and transmits them to the brain.>

Well at least I can understand them. Even if I can't talk to them.

Alice= [Magic Perception] is really a very useful skill.

Milim= It is a must skill. With it you can understand anyone, it is super fun.

Shuna= It is a good thing. That it was the first skill. Rimuru-sama got otherwise. It would had been very difficult.

Rimuru= Yes that is certainly true. It still is a very useful skill.

Diablo= This skill will always be useful.

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