Episode 122: Heart-thumping Battle

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Nat and Shuai kept going at it, their attacks colliding and unleashing shockwaves throughout the arena.

Shuai leapt back as Nat's flame angel lurched at him.

Tammy watched them with a gleeful expression, but I was also enjoying the spectacle. The new students this year were amazing, even better than my own batch. But that only made me more eager to see how they would improve. They had the potential to become worthy opponents for me. I wanted to challenge their skills and see what they could do.

Shuai jumped back at Nat punched the air, firing off a powerful flare.

Ling above clutched the bar tightly. Was she worried about her cousin or Nat?

The green-haired boy dodged, moving as swiftly as ever. Hitting him was going to be hard, but Nat looked undeterred. He was even smirking as he gathered more blue flames into his arms.

In a fluid motion, he released a surge of blue flames, shaping them into a majestic phoenix that charged towards Shuai. The heat was intense, even from my vantage point, and the brilliant light from the firebird cast stark shadows over the audience.

Shuai, with a look of fierce concentration, waited until the final moment to act. With a powerful cry, he conjured a barrier of shimmering air, the heat distortion visible as the phoenix collided with it. The impact set off a dazzling explosion of light and heat, prompting some spectators to shield their eyes.

When the light dimmed, Shuai was unscathed, though his clothes bore the marks of singeing. He acknowledged Nat with a nod of respect, then readied himself for his next move.

If this was how the semi-finals were, imagine how the final would go. I was getting all giddy just thinking about it. Burai was the same. Actually, he was even more openly ecstatic than me, jumping from his seat and punching the air as he cheered both boys on.

Adela must've noticed me as she giggled.

My cheeks reddened, so I turned back to the match.

Shuai, with a determined glint in his eye, began to weave his hands through the air. The atmosphere crackled with energy as he drew upon his own reserves of power. With a swift upward motion, he summoned a vortex of wind that spiraled towards Nat, carrying with it a barrage of razor-sharp leaves.

Nat, undaunted by the new challenge, responded with a roar. His blue flames erupted into a defensive wall, incinerating the leaves before they could reach him. Yet, he wasn't content to stay on the defensive. With a fierce battle cry, he pushed forward, his flames morphing into a series of fiery lions that pounced towards Shuai.

The crowd gasped as the two forces met in mid-air, the wind vortex clashing with the fiery lions, creating a maelstrom of fire and air that threatened to engulf the entire arena. Shuai and Nat, locked in their elemental tug-of-war, showed no signs of fatigue. Their determination was as palpable as the heat that radiated from the center of their battle.

As the spectacle unfolded, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for these first years. They were not just fighting to win; they were fighting to surpass themselves, to reach new heights. And as I watched, I knew that this was what it meant to be a part of our academy—to push beyond limits, to strive for greatness. This same feeling, it's what I'd aimed for when I first set out to Nine Petal a year ago.

The boys panted as sweat rolled down their brows. Nat clapped his hands, unleashing a wave of water.

Shuai smirked as plants flew out from his wrists, absorbing the water into them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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