72. Happy Ending

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It was taking much more time than needed to Taehyung's liking....

He was standing outside the room his husband was taken in..... since 1 hour.

He could hear his husband's painful scream, wailing and shouting about to lessen the pain.

Whenever a nurse would come out he would try to talk but she would refuses to talk, only saying that they can't do the surgery right now and they wilk have to wait.

He was frustrated, sad and worried for his husband and unborn child, ready to do anything to make sure that they both are safe but can't.

He wanted to do nothing but just barge inside the room but he knows he can't.

He really wanted to be with his bunny. Wanting to tell him that everything will be alright and there baby will be fine but he just can't.....

After becoming a mafia..... for the first time in his life he felt this much powerless..

He was silently praying god to have some mercy on his husband and let there baby come into this world safely..

After a few minutes the shouts and wails got silent.... making Taehyung feel more worried as he didn't know what happened to his husband.

He was going to barge in when the door got opened and Yeji stepped outside.

"What happened doctor? Is  Jungkook ok? Did anything wrong had happened? Please tell me, what happened? Why is it taking soo long-"

"Shhh Mr. Kim. Everything is under control... your husband is putted under a strong dose of anisthesia for now and soon we will start his surgery... we were just waiting for the infant to be at the edge of the lower abodomin part so we can perform the surgery well... it took some time but now we are ready for the surgery to proceed... I just came to inform you this.... till then.. please fill the form as the surgery will take time." Yeji explained softly with a small smile and left.

Taehyung took a deep breath in relief after processing her words and left.

After doing the necessary things  he settled down on a bench placed infront of the room.
Without even knowing, he didn't know that he was crying silently until he felt a wet sensation on his lap.

Slowly wiping his tear out, he took a deep breath to calm himself.
Suddenly his phone rang. He took it out of his pocket and saw that it was Yoongi's call.
Composing himself he picked it up

"You were right V. Police have got to know about this and now we have to take care of there shit too.... it will take atleast a week.."

"Hmmm... ok."

There was a pause before Suga asked

"How are you?"

Taehyung hesitated but said

"M' fine."

"How is Jungkook?"

Taehyung looked at the operation room's door with teary eyes and replied

"He is fine too..."

"Ok.... thank god you didn't came here.... who knows what would have happened if he would have been in labour in between this week.... it would have been difficult."

"Hmm..." what else could Taehyung do. His voice was betraying him and he felt a lump forming in his throat. He wanted to cry, shout and tell Yoongi and Jimin to leave there work and come to comfort him as he was going crazy.

"Talk to you later.... bye. Goodnight."

"B-bye hyung..." Taehyung cutted and inhaled a deep breath, trying to stop the sob which was threatening to come out.

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