5. The Meeting

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It was the next day in seoul.

Same seen like everday replaying in the busy streets of seoul.

Jk was in his cabin going through some documents while sipping his coffee.

But the latter was not really paying attention as he was still thinking about yesterday's meeting.

When suddenly a person barged in his cabin whithout knocking.

"I swear to god , get lost from here before I loose my tempor and you are fired now get ou-"

"Geez Kook chill ,u really are going to fire me ,then who will handle your cold and rude ass hah?" Jimin said in amusement as Jungkook never really looses his tempor easily which means either he was stressed or he was thinking about something deeply.

"Nothing hyung, just thinking about something." Jk said

"And may I know what are u thinking about?" Jimin asked, slightly doubting if it is something related or triggers something about V.

"Yesterday in meeting when I saw Mr.Kim, I don't know why but he awfully looks familier." Jk  said

Jimin tensed in his position.

"And?" He ask scared and curious.

"I don't know why but I felt an electrifying sparkle like feeling running down my spine while shaking hands with him" Jk responded, still thinking.

Jimin smiled cheerfully

"Did our little Jungkookie got a crush on someone hah?" Jimin teased.

"NO HYUNG!, it can't be. I cannot love someone but him!" Jk said or more like shouted, immediately denying the fact that his heart skipped a beat at Jimin's statement.

"But you can't always wait for him Kook. Just move on." Jimin argued.

"Shut up hyung! pls leave." Jk said ,quite sad and pissed

"Ok, but I came here to remind you that you have a meeting fixed after 15 min with Mr.Kim ,be there, I will be waiting." With that said jimin left feeling happy and guilty at the same time.

"Let's get over with this shit cause I will definitely not loose too easily to that Kim." With that said Jk also left while exiting his cabin.

'Okay I may do have a tiny little crush on him but tiny yes tiny.'

Jk stepped into the meeting room only to see everyone already present over there.

'Oh shit, I am late. If only you would have not messed up my mind Kim .
But he looks handsome though.'

Jk thought while cutely glaring at Tae but then blushing slightly at his own thought.

Jk thought while cutely glaring at Tae but then blushing slightly at his own thought

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