54. Looking for this?

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(A/n:- grab your popcorns and take your shit- I mean seat cause this shit is scary.
Film makers still don't know how they were not able to write such a fighting scene which is enclosed further.
That was the warning that I am writing something like this for the first time so bear with it 😅🖒)
"ATTAAAAAACK!!" One of the male from the gang screamed before they all charged towards Jungkook who stood in a ready position, adrenaline running though his veins.

He swiftly killed the first few mans with his gun but was not able to kill all of them.
When he saw that his gun's bullets were finished he throws it over one man, knocking him out with the force and starts to fight with his bare hands.

One man came towards him with a knife and tried to stab him but he swiftly dodged it and harshly kicked the man on his hand, making him(the man) stumble back while he (Jungkook) swiftly took the knife from his hands.

There were hardly 6-5 more left, some already scared and some having an expression saying 'its now or never'.

"Come on...... you guys are so weak..." Jungkook tsked, challenging the others infront.

"You will regret it J!"

"Ohh... I have got some old rats to fight....." Jungkook said

One of the male took long strides of steps towards him, feeling angry from the insult.
He raised his hand and tried to punch him but Jungkook stopped him by grabbing his wrist with one hand and stabbed him one his abdominal area harshly with his knife.

The man grunted in pain before Jungkook removed his knife and again stabbed on the same place, leaving him after to bleed to death.

Jungkook looked up from the bleeding man but hissed in pain when he felt something like a needle being stabbed forcefully on the back of his neck.

"Will see you once you will wake up J."

"You won't end good....." Jungkook whispered coldly before he felt darkness overtaking his senses.

"Bring the car you all! Boss will be so happy to see this." One of them ordered the others, who nodded there head in unison and went outside to bring the car.

"Boss's gonna love it." The same man said while smirking, looking down at the unconscious male infront.
The mens went out to bring there cars but got surprised when they saw that it was not where they left it.

"Looking for this?..." a deep yet cold voice asked, making all them turn there heads towards it's source, only to find a very handsome male standing there having a fierce look and anger in his eyes.

They saw that there supposedly car keys were with him, being twirled around his index finger.

"Hey you! Give our car keys back!" One of them shouted.

"Tsk tsk.... I did not thought that I would get this type of appreciation for knocking out that so called driver of yours... but it's understandable."

"You giving it back or not!"

"How about a no?"

"So you are not gonna listen hah! Listen here, you have nothing to do with us or our business so stay away you fucker."

"I would have been............. if it was not for you involving my husband in your mess...." Taehyung sighed

The mens infront visibly turned pale by the statement but immediately tried to mask it, having a guess that who(the person standing infront) can be.

Mafia's Cute CEO [Taekook]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ