24. Mr. Kim Daehyun

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Jk entered the cafe while taking powerful steps inside, having a cold and stern expression on his face. He looked around and saw an empty booth before he sat down there.

After sometime a man who seems to be in his early 50s came and took a seat infront of him.

His facial features were somewhat matching with Taehyung's and jk concluded that he must be Kim Daehyun.

"I hope so i didn't made you wait to much my dear son-in-law." The man said sweetly but jk noticed the venom and disgust dripping from his words.

"Why did you called me." Jk asked straight to the point in his cold voice.

He saw Namjoon entering and silently sitting in the booth behind Daehyun while odering something, acting like a total stranger.

"Quite straightforward, aren't we." Daehyun said before speaking coldly

"I want you to divorce Taehyung."

"And why will i do that?" Jk asked while controlling his anger.

"Cause see. Its quite simple, you married him for your company right? Now your company is stable so why do you have to be still tied with him."

"Tell me the real reason."

"Ok. I want my company back and i know you were practically forced to marry him. So why don't we partner up huh? You will help me to get some important documents from the company while i will give you 1 million for your each steal and the prize may rise if you get me somthing quite important."

"And what made you think I will do so?"
"Ohh come on. I know you don't love him plus i will give you money in return."
Jk felt disgusted from the man who was sitting infront of him but he didn't showed it on his face and controlled himself to not kill him right there and then.

"Why do you want to destroy your own son?"

"Well, i never considered that piece of shit as my son since his birth. I was just with him for the fame and power."

"So you could have not pass the company to him right?"

"Yeah but my so called father, Kim Taehyun, wrote his will for the property on the name of that bastard. That's the reason i had to forcefully pass it on."

"I will think of your offer Kim. Nice meeting you." Jk said before he dashed out, not being able to control his anger anymore.
Namjoon also left after sometime behind him after paying his bills.

"Boss pls calm down. We have to think about this situation calmly." Namjoon said as soon as he approached jk outside in the back parking of the cafe.

"How am i suppose to calm down when that bastard of an asshole insulted my husband right infront of me huh!" Jk shouted.

"Jungkook try to understand the situation! We have to discuss this whole thing with Taehyung first!" Namjoon said in a composed tone while trying to make Jungkook understand the situation.

After some time jk calmed down.
"Let's go to the KTH enterprises RM." Jk sad coldly while going to his car.
RM followed him by his car from behind.

After 20 min

They reached the kim corporation and jk slammed the his car door while going inside with a worried Namjoon trailing behind.

"Sorry sir but Mr. Kim is busy in an office meeting." The receptionist said politely as she saw jk.

"Tell him that i need to meet him urgently!" Jk said, his patience waining.

"But sir-"

"Its okay. Tell him to immediately come to his office after the meeting. We will be waiting there." RM said while dragging an angry Jungkook with him.

"Hyung why did yo-"

"Jungkook I understand that you are angry from your meeting but that doesn't mean you will disturb the whole company, Taehyung has a reputation here." Namjoon said trying his best to not lash out at him for his immaturity.

"Hy-hyun I-I" that's it, jk broke down into tears as he was not able to imagine how hard it must be for Taehyung in the past if his father think that low of him.

"Jungkook try to compose yourself. We have to think maturely and wisely about it. Its not the time to cry, if Daehyun is ready use his son-in-law against his own son, then he can do anything to destroy Taehyung."

"But hyung I-"

"What are you saying." They heard Taehyung who was listening to their conversation since the starting as the receptionist called him saying that his husband was there in his office.

He immediately dismissed the meeting as it was not that important plus he was curious and worried for him since he saw the text but he did not expected that he will witness his husband crying badly and that too, because of that man.

His eyes changed there colour meaning that he was angry and V had took over.

"What are you guys talking about Mr. Kim." V asked and jk understood that it was V from the change in his voice.

"V pls try to cal-" Jk tried but V cutted him off

"I asked what did he said that made you cry so badly bunny."

RM understood that Taehyung was not going to stop so he took the lead.

"He offered Mr. J to work for him and cheat on you by giving some important documents of the company to him while using inappropriate words against you Mr. V." RM said truthfully while jk looked at him in disbelief.

"RM you can't tell-"

"What did he exactly said RM." V asked, getting more angry as no one dares to make his bunny sad totally (more like trying) ignoring the fact that his own father got so low for the property.

RM said nothing but gaved the recording he recorded in the cafe.

After V listened it, he said nothing but sat silently on his chair while taking the crying bunny in his lap, rubbing his back and trying to comfort him.

He dialled a number and said

"I want you and Jimin in my office in 10min. Come fast." With that he cutted the call and said soothing words to his bunny who was now seen a little calm down.

After sometime Suga and Jimin entered inside while getting surprised to see Namjoon standing awkwardly and a pouting bunny in there boss's lap.

"Yes V?" Suga asked

"It's time to play the real game." V said

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