51. Cheated!

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"But you are gonna wear it once you are at home!"

"Promise hyungie!" Jungkook chuckled at his husband's behaviour when he got to know that he removed his waist chain today morning.

"Why do you even have to remove ittttttt?" Taehyung asked again

"I told you that it was uncomfortable to wear with the office suit on."

"I hate it."

"Want me to wear waist chain in office too?" Jungkook asked amused

Taehyung's eyes visibly widened from the realisation
"NOPE!! You are only going to wear that infront of me! No one else is allowed in see my husband in that." Taehyung said possessively.

Jungkook's blushed a little and he turned his attention towards his window, not wanting the older to see him like that and tease him for it.......

But as we all know, nothing can get hide from the handsome male beside him.

Taehyung had a small smile from his reaction while being focused on driving the car.

Soon the JimKeon(JK's office) (a/n:- what did you expect from a person who have exams starting from the very next day anyways( ° ¿ ° ) ) building came.

"Bye hyungie." Jungkook quickly pecked his husband's lips before he left the car.

"Bye bun!" Taehyung spoke and left for NightShooter's (his mafia) base.

"Good morning Mr. Kim." The guard at the door greeted to which Jungkook nodded shortly while entering.

He went into his private lift and pressed the button for the top floor.

After a few minutes, a ding sound was heard before the doors of the lift got opened and he entered the mentioned floor.

He walked through the long dark grey corridor (which he wanted to paint black but sadly the meeting room was also present in the same floor and it will look odd for a CEO but not for a mafia though) (a/n:- I should really stop with my rambling.)

"Good morning hyung!" Jungkook greeted while entering his office when he saw that Jimin was also present there.


"Any important schedules for today?" Jungkook asked while taking his seat and opened his laptop to go through his files.

"Just a meeting with board members......."

Jungkook stopped typing before he diverted his attention fully on his secretary, seeing his dull look and red and puffy eyes.

"What happened hyung?" Jungkook asked with concern.

"Nothing Kook. You tell, Taehyung is back now, you are happy now right." Jimin asked while giving a small and forced smile.

Jungkook frowned at his behaviour before he stood up and walked towards Jimin who was standing infront of his desk, holding his I-pad.

"What is it hyung?" Jungkook asked seriously while looking at the shorter male in front.

"It-it's no-nothing Jungkook....... just my fav lead in a k-drama died in it because of the villain...... so I just cried over that....." Jimin said hurriedly, trying his best to hide his pain.

"Really, is that soo? Wasn't Yoongi hyung there to comfort you?" Jungkook noticed and frowned deeply when he saw that Jimin's face saddened more at the mention of his husband.

"H-he... he was busy-"

"You can tell me hyung..... you are clearly hurt and keeping it to yourself will hurt you more..... if not me then you can tell it to someone whom you trust with it." Jungkook spoke softly, genuinely worried for the older.

Mafia's Cute CEO [Taekook]Where stories live. Discover now